"Hey baby!" She yelled as she pushed past TJ to get to me. She attempted to wrap her arms around my neck and kiss me on the check but I avoided it. Everything about Chrissy just made me miss Adira more and more. All Chrissy wanted was a handout. She had no type of education, no type of ambition, didn't offer a damn thing except pussy and head, and went after anyone with a bag. She was supposed to be nothing more than a quick fuck but here she is months later trying to destroy my life.When me and Adira were together she would constantly try to blackmail me, swearing she would tell Adira about what we were doing if I didn't give her money. A band here, couple hundred there, nothing that truly hurt my pockets so it was fine. As long as she kept our secret I had no problem sliding her a little change here and there. That was before she started getting too greedy. After conning 10 bands out of me for an abortion of a baby that I later found out never existed I no longer trusted her. When me and Adira broke up she knew that she could no longer blackmail me and began thinking of any type of way to get money out of me. SHe tried begging, she tried using her body to get it, she even tried taking it from while she thought I wasn't paying attention. All of which gained her about $0.00. The only thing keeping me from not physically putting my hands on shawty is the fact that I felt some type of pity for her. She been through some shit, losing her brother, growing up in the streets, I can't help but feel some type of sympathy for her. But that don't mean I'll let her play me like a fool.

"What the fuck do you want?" I questioned as I avoided the embrace. I knew the answer before Chrissy had even walked in the room. Money.

"I've been trying to call you, text you, I've been here almost everyday. Why you been avoiding me for so long?" Her hands attempted to roam my body but I rejected those advances too. Chrissy looked amazing and knew just how to use it to her advantage, which is exactly why I couldn't bring myself to leave her alone. Pushing her off me for the second time must have given her the memo because her flirty behavior quickly switched, replaced with a much more aggressive one.

"I need some money August." "I just gave ya ass some 10 grand." "That was months ago August! How long was I supposed to live off of that! I got bills, needs, a look to maintain. I need more." "Then get a damn job Chrissy." This made her chuckle. This was her damn job in her eyes. Tricking dudes, using them for all they got then moving onto the next dude with a couple dollars in they pocket. That's the way she made all her money. "Job? Job? Do I look like a job having ass bitch to you? Do I? I deserve to be taken care of. I am a housewife." This time I was the one laughing. "Well then get a man Chrissy. I'm not ya dude. Not ya dad. And I'm damn sure not your trick." I made sure to drag out the last damn because clearly she was not getting the message. At this point nice, sweet Krissy had completely left the conversation and had been replaced with her altar ego. Anytime she wanted something I would first be asked by her nice side, but, when that didn't work I was asked by the any means necessary side. This is the side that likes to threaten to send videos of us to Adira and threaten to call the cops on the Studio. This is the side that I am, even though I hate to admit it, slightly scared off.

Her facial expresiion went blank and I knew what I was in store for. She took a deep sigh before picking up the picture that I had of me and Adira on the wall. The same picture that I looked at each day every since I got the studio. The day that she graduated college. The same day that would eventually change our realtionship forver. She took the picture and twriled it in her hands, smiling at it as she did. I tried to reach out ot grab it from her but she quickly backed up, just out of my grip. I started to tell her to give me the shit back but she stripped me of my oppurntuinity to speak when she whipped out her pocket knife. I started to laugh at her, knowing that a pocket knife was nothing compared to what I had waiting for her ass, but I knew that she had no intention using it on me. Chrissy is many htings but dumb is not one of them.

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