"Bailey would be so happy to hear that from you," he smiled sarcastically. "I'm curious why you've been fucking her for three years now. Need I remind you only fuck and dump?"

"I enjoy her body," I snapped, annoyed at the topic.

"Exactly; what does she taste like to make you so hooked and addict—"

I cut him off, put off by everything he was saying. "You know what? Go for it."

Anyway, he was right about me being a fuck and dump kinda guy. It was out of character for me to keep a chic around for more than two days. It was time I grazed on different pastures.

"Sweet! Then you—"

I didn't hear the rest of his words because I downed two glasses of whiskey and headed towards the dance floor, eyes set on the redhead I noticed earlier.

"Hey," I tapped her shoulder, leaving a respectable gap between us. She had the option of making the first move or not, depending on her relationship status. I was not a fan of being together with taken people.

She whirled around with an annoyed scowl that melted into a flirtatious smirk when she met my eyes.

It was either my looks that appealed to her, or she knew who I was. Either one was capable of causing that 'drop my panties for you' kinda smile to emerge on her face. It was a fifty-fifty something.

Smirking at her obvious invitation, I fondle my way around her hips, smirking wider in appreciation.

"Hey to you too, beautiful," she purred, leaning into me.

Brows twitching slightly at the endearment, I said. "Not as fine as you though."

She giggled. "Oh, you. So sweet."

Yep, definitely knew who I was.

That made things easier for me though. Leaning towards her face, I trail light kisses from her neck to her ear. "So, wanna get out of here?" I pressed against her.

"Do I?" She eagerly replied.

I took her hand in mine and led her to the elevators that led back up to the lobby of the hotel. The moment the elevator doors closed, I had her pinned to the metal wall with hands above her head as I ravaged her mouth.

She tasted like Beach on the Rocks and mint. It was not bad at all, though it was strange.

I was blaming that strangeness on my being too used to Bailey's mouth.

We pulled away when the ding of the elevator sounded, both panting shallowly. Her eyes—which I noticed were a warm chocolate brown—were hooded with lust, her mouth swollen and pink.

I traced them and leaned back in for a quick peck before taking her hand and leading her across the lobby.


I looked to my left and raised a brow when I saw Bailey, clad in an off-shoulder crimson dress with her hair tumbling wildly across her shoulders.

Her face was scrunched up, looking very ugly, eyes shining with a malevolent light.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

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