"Here." Carlos pulled me under a wall leaning over a pole. "Let's wait. Be silent."

I was exhausted, I loved our home in the sewer so much. That tension was killing me, I didn't know what to expect. Until I felt

First a slight vibration. Then a stronger tremor. I was going to ask Carlos if there were more meteors, but he covered my mouth, pointed to a car that was on the other side of the street and I saw a woman holding a cat between her breasts, she was trying to hide behind some garbage cans. She was crouched down. He motioned for her to come to us. She hesitated, and the tremor grew stronger.

Suddenly, a huge paw, bigger than a 5-story building, stopped near where we were. We were almost crushed. This time, Carlos motioned for the woman to stay where she was. She shook her head. The giant spider stood still for a moment longer, and let out a scratching sound, almost a grunt of pain. In response, the woman's cat meowed loudly, when I looked at the woman, I saw that the pants she was wearing were now wet with urine, and in a few seconds she had disappeared up high, straight into the mouth of the huge monster, pulled by a web black.

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