
" Okay go now"

She grabbed a few packets of chips, 4 cans of coke and of course chocolates and went to her papa who was waiting for her in the car.

"So I've heard you have been going out a lot" he started the conversation.

"Yes I made some new friends." she said shyly smiling.

"You did? That's great news" he said, patting her head.

She nodded and bit her chocolate.

"When are you inviting them to our place then?"

"Soon I think" she said after thinking about it for a minute.

"hmm alright"

"What about the office?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I want to do it online but I will visit frequently"

"That's good"

They reached and got outside. Ailee wrapped herself around her father's arm and walked around for some time talking about all the silly things she used to do in her childhood before catching sight of her other favorite man.

She gasped seeing little Doodle also strolling behind him trying to keep up with his long legs.

She giggled quietly at their cuteness and waited for her papa to notice them as well which he did very soon considering they were the only people there except for one more couple.

"Mr Laurent" Xavier said first.

"Mr Romano" They shook hands and Calvin smiled warmly.

"I never thought I'd bump into you on a beach"

"Yeah I don't exactly look like a beach guy" he said with a ghost of a smile just so he doesn't come off as rude or cold.

He gotta impress his father-in-law afterall.

They were interrupted by the loud laughter of Ailee who was attacked by Doodle. She lied on the sand with the puppy on top of her licking and snuggling her aggressively.

The father and the boyfriend duo smiled at them and watched her stand up chuckling and dusting herself off.

"He-he's cute" she said blushing profusely when she realized they both were staring at her.

"Mhmm his name's Doodle" he said looking at Mr Laurent and he raised an eyebrow in return prolly not expecting him to own a cute puppy too.

"Can I borrow him for sometime?" she asked, her eyes twinkling.

He simply nodded and she ran off to the front with Doodle hot on her tail.

Mr Laurent chuckled and shook his head at her behavior.

"Come let's sit" he offered and they both sat down on the nearby bench.

"How are you Romano? It must be hard to be all by yourself" he asked, testing the waters.

"Yeah but it is all I've ever been doing so it doesn't matter, I'm surprisingly doing happy" he said turning his head forward by the end of the sentence.

Mr Laurent's eyes softened. He is around his son's age but so much more responsible and mature.

"I should send Alex to work with you. That boy is always out for fun" he said laughing.

"Hmm I will not go easy on him though" he replied.

"I know that is why I'm seriously considering it."

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