👻🏹🛡⚔️The monster dome ⚔️🛡🏹👻

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Mario: (enters the arena) Well, I hate this.

Crowd: BOO!!!!

Mario: OH BOO YOURSELVES, HIPPIES!!I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR IT!!!! (Reaches for his kitana, only to see it's gone) MY KITANA!!!

Mama Widow: Alright. Since I want these to be fair, I'll allow the competitors to use weapons. You're welcome, Mario. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

The crowd: (laughing)

Mario: Grrr... I'll show you.


Mario: (Sees Frankensteins monster come out)


Mario: Hehe. Piece of cake. I.V.A.N, power u- (Sees he doesn't have his suit on) I.V.A.N?! Shit. (Gets punched in the face by the monster) AHAHAHAHA!!!! (Falls back) OKAY, UGLY!!! LET'S DANCE!!!! (Rushes at Frankenstein) STAR FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIST!!!! (Punches Frankenstein back a bit)


Mario: (Sees a bo staff) Bingo. (Runs to it and grabs it before running back)

Frankenstein: (Jumps at Mario)

Mario: (blocks with the bo staff before stabbing Frankensteins foot)

Frankenstein: YEEEEEOOOOOW!!! (Holds his foot in pain)

Mario: (lays a smack down on the with his bo staff before stabbing him in the heart)

Frankenstein: GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! (Rips the staff out, but succumbs to the wound and dies)

The crowd: 😨 BOO!!!! 😠

Mario: AAAAAH, SHUT UP!!! 😠

Widow: Hmm... Round 2!

Then, 4 monsters showed up. A mummy, a werewolf, a skeleton soldier, and a FREAKING DRAGON!!!

Mario: Well, shit. 😐😑

Widow: BEGIN!!!!

The skeleton rushed up to Mario and tried to kill him using his sword, only for Mario to dodge every blade swipe. But, just as Mario got cocky, the mummy used his bandages to grab Mario and started suffocating the young plumber, only for Mario to tear the bandages off and unravel the mummy until he's just dust. Angered by this, the other 3 monsters got more vicious and used all of their moves and did critical damage to Mario.

Dragon: FINISH HIM!!!

The werewolf and skeleton grabbed a bow and arrows to attack Mario. They then fired several arrows at the plumber, only for Mario to dodge. This resulted in the monsters losing it and causing the dragon to use his fire breath to corner Mario and the two monsters before the duo fire their arrows. Skeleton from the left and werewolf from the right. Using his intelligence, Mario dodged the arrows at the last second, and the arrows killed the opposite shooter. The dragon was last.

Mario: (thinks hard before seeing gasoline, kerosene, and gun powder) AHA!!!

Using his speed, Mario rushed to the gasoline, kerosene, and gun powder, grabbed it, and poured the gas around the arena, causing the flames to rise higher and causing the dragon to be temporarily blinded by the smoke. Mario took the distraction and landed several hits on the Dragon. Unfortunately, the dragon swallowed the fire back up and started slashing Mario with its claws before slamming Mario to the ground with his tail. Or, so the dragon thought. Mario actually held the tail up before it could kill him and threw the dragono by the tail into a wall.


Mario: (Jumps above the dragon) STAR FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIST!!! (Punches the dragons head into the ground)

Now fuming pissed, the dragon tried to breathe his fire again, only for Mario to throw the gas, kerosene, and gun powder into the dragons mouth. We all know where this is going. The dragons breath, wings, and eyes began to smoke. Realizing the dragon is gonna blow up, Widow opened the top hatch of the dome as the dragon flew out. Afterward, the dragon flew as fast as it could to the river, as the wings soon turned to just bone. The dragon then fell into a nearby forest... and blew up half of the forest. Chunks of the dragon were everywhere. Some pieces even flew into the river. After this happened, Widow closed the roof and looked at Mario.

Widow: Seems you're more than I thought you were. But let's see if you can handle the final round.

Mario: Bring it on. (Gets his kitana)

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