
48 2 0

   Erin Kimora delagardo

I swiped out of Instagram & sat up from off of yo-yo's lap

She looked at me "you okay?"

"Yeah" i said

It's been a month since I found out I was pregnant

& I don't know if I'm keeping it

Nobody knows that I'm pregnant though except yoyo,indya & Sani

I been down in Cali for the last months

I celebrated my 18th with yoyo, her boo & the new baby

I convinced my dad to let me stay down here for a little bit longer & I can just do online school until I get back to Chicago

Aunt yoyo been helping me

& I kinda ghosted niggas too

I talk to amour & ebonii on the phone but haven't told them anything about me being pregnant or me & Tae

I'm just kinda scared to

I got up

"You ready to go back down there?" She asked me

I looked back at her

"I guess" I said

I'm going back to Chicago ina few hours

& going back to my dads crib

"They'll find out one way or another" she said to me

"I know" I said walking to the room I been staying in

I been sober for a month

& it's been hard as fuck

I put my bags & stuff at the foot of my bed

"You scared huh?" Tee asked me flopping on the bed

I grabbed my phone

"Yeah I'm shitting bricks Nigga" I said

He chuckled

"What do you want?" I asked him

"Put me on with ole girl" he said

"Ole girl?"

"Yeah ebonii some shit like that" he said

"Oh ebonii Ight" I said

"Before you leave though" he said

I just stared at him

"I leave in like two hours" i said

"And?" He said

"Ight I'll tell her when I get Down there" i said because his logic is deadass fucked up

He smacked his lips & got up & walked out the room

I shook my head

7 hours later....

"So you plan on keeping it?" My dad asked me at the table

Everyone looked at me

"Uhh" I started to say until Amy cut me off

"You're to young to be having a baby didn't you learn from your dad & mom that you should wait to have kids?" Amy said

I just stared at her

My dad cleared his throat

"It's your body your choice I'm still here to protect you & take care of you & the baby" my dad said

"Uh no we're not Aaron" Amy said frowning at him

He ignored her

"I thought we talked about this already aaron really?" She said to him

"Who's the dad?" Amy's mom asked

"Um" I started to say but if I say my dad is going to flip

"I don't know" I said

They all looked at me crazy

"Whatchu mean you don't know?" My dad asked me

I shrugged my shoulders

"I thinks she's too young maybe an abortion & a trip somewhere?" Amy's mom said

I frowned

"I don't believe in killing my baby I already grew a bond with" I said

"Oh so you one of those?" Amy asked laughing

"One of what?" I asked her

"That wanna make abortions illegal" she said

I frowned "uh no I believe in what ever the women wants to do with her body she has a choice to do what she wanna do it's not my body to be making a choice for another women. We all got our own bodies to be worried about nobody should be worried about what a women is doing to her body. but you know what I'll get the abortion & finish school & go to college so I won't be a failure to anybody"

I got up from the table & walked to my room

I closed the door & walked down the stairs

I went over to my bed & laid down

"Mommy you okay?" I asked my mom as I stood in the bathroom door

She was in the bathtub covered in blood breathing heavy looking really sick

She didn't look like this before the guy came

After he walked out the bathroom she was sitting where she is now

She just stared at me

"Mommy" I called out to her

"Erin go sit down I'll be out in a minute" she said to me

"Mommy why are you bleeding everywhere " I asked her

"Trey" my mom called out for the guy we was staying with

He walked down the hall & stood behind me as he saw her laying the tub

"What the fuck" he said under his breath

"You know I couldn't afford an abortion" she whispered out to him as her eyes was shuttering open & close

"I told you I gotchu with the money for the abortion why you do it like this" he said to her as he moved me out the way

"He only wanted heroine" she whispered

"I just don't know what to do" I said to indya

"What's your gut telling you to do?"

"Keep it but it's also sayin get rid of it"

"You're three months in pooh you gotta hurry & make a decision think long & hard about it" she said

"That means I gotta tell Tae"

"Uh yeah? What you think he's going to say?"

"Get an abortion"

Don't have sex without protection

I'm learning this shit the hard way.

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