Chapter 2: Grounded

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Welcome to another chapter let's get started.

At the L/N family household

"I can't believe you Y/N you worked so hard to get into school and now you want to throw it all away is that it?". His mom Rio L/N asked in anger but Y/N didn't say anything

"Is it those friends of your what's his name ganke or that girl....Lana Baumgartner she seems like she's trouble". His dad Jefferson L/N says but once again Y/N didn't say anything

"Well say something speak up". Says John looking at his son in anger

"Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe I'm just doing......benign, private, unremarkable things when I'm not with you guys". Y/N finally speaks up and the two parents look at each other.

"Not once" both parents say at once

"Well that's the problem I'm sixteen years old and I'm pretty much an adult". He says making his dad laugh

"Oh really an adult ya know what's crazy when I was younger your Uncle said the same thing and look at how his life turned out". John says and the while room went silent Y/N glares at his Father not knowing what to say.

"Wow really dad what's Wrong is Uncle Alan he's cool?"

"Oh what's wrong with your Uncle? Well let's see he's been in jail multiple times and threw away everything he's worked for in his life and now your just following in his footsteps"

"Well maybe I will cause you know what I'm sick and tired of you guys always breathing down my neck all the time". He suddenly yells surprising his parents and even surprising himself.

"You're grounded". Is all his mother says

"What for how long?" Y/N asked

"For as long as we see fit when you come home from school you go straight into your room is that understood?". His mom Says and Y/N didn't say anything he walks into his and slams the door and lays on his bed.

"This sucks". He mumbles looking up at the ceiling but then he remembers his Uncle he looks out his window and smirks

Uncle Alan's apartment

Alan L/N was at his home cooking dinner when suddenly his door opens he becomes tense and he reaches for his gun under his counter when he heard the voice of his nephew

"Hey come on uncle Aaron it's me". Aaron let's out a sigh of relief and puts the gun away walking over the door showing a smiling Y/N

"Hey uncle Aaron"

"What's up my Man come on in". He says as Y/N walked inside sitting on the couch

"What's up with you how's school going school?" Asked finishing his cooking

"Going great! Got tons of friends classes are going Great"

"You can't tell me it's all that bad there. Smart girls is where it's at. Place must be full of 'em". His Uncle Says and Y/N Only rolled his eyes

"No, there's no one well my friend Lana asked can we hangout Friday" he tells him.

"Well are you Gonna go for it or what?" His Uncle asked sitting Next to him.

"It would be nice but at the same time my parents have grounded me" he tells him

"So your not even suppose to be here then?". His Uncle asked with a raised brow and Y/N became nervous

"Uh well you see I uh"

"Don't sweat it Y/N you wouldn't be a teenager if you listened to your parents reminds me of me and your dad when we were younger"

"Wait you and my Dad?"

"Hell yeah me and yo pops use to get into all kinds of crazy stuff back in the Day"

"Hard to imagine my dad strict dad goofing off and getting into trouble" Y/N says letting out a chuckle

"Yeah but as we both got older we both want different things he became a cop and me Well let's just say he didn't approve of my lifestyle". Aaron explains

"Is that why they don't want me to around you?" He asked his Uncle

"Yeah....yeah I guess so but look Y/N I think the one thing me and your dad can agree on is that we want what's best for you and we want you to be better then either of us you hear me?". Aaron tells his nephew

"Yeah I hear you Uncle Aaron" he says as both uncle and nephew smiled at each other but then Aaron's phone goes off and Aaron's whole mood change which Y/N noticed

"You okay uncle Aaron?"

"Uh yeah I actually Gonna go something came up at work". Aaron says getting up and gathering his stuff and opening the door for Y/N

"Uh I'll see you Uncle Aaron". Y/N says

"Yeah I'll see you". Is all Aaron says before closing the door in Y/N's face

"Okay weird"

With Y/N top of building

Y/N left his uncle's and was currently on top of the building in his suit

"It'll be easier to swing back Home instead of walking". He says about to put on his mask when suddenly he sees a purple figure riding on a motorcycle

 He says about to put on his mask when suddenly he sees a purple figure riding on a motorcycle

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"Well that's new even for new york standers". He says looking at the man Riding on the motorcycle and then looked in the direction of his House then at his Spider-man mask

"Ugh I know I'm Gonna regret this".

And that's that for This chapter.

As you can see we are introduced to
Y/N's parents and Uncle and his relationship with them.

Now is following the villain the villain known as the prowler.

Find out what happens Next until next time my wonderful readers.

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