Chapter 5- The Morning After...

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(I woke up in my place with a sigh of relief, but something didn't feel the same as my pillow normally is fluffy and doesn't have a silky, smooth texture. I was resting on someone's lap and they were also brushing their fingers through my hair.)

Nichole: Hey your finally awake... Was thinking things would be more awkward if your "mom" walked in and saw me comforting you like this. Hehe... How are you feeling after what happened last night?

Sean: You'd be surprised to know that she'd encourage this more than what a regular mother should. Also I'm fine Nichole, but thanks anyway. Ugh. Those two women just ambushed me from out of nowhere and tried knocking me out.

Nichole: Ashley went in to attempt giving whoever was after you a major beating, but she said the place was empty with the exception of some janitors.

Sean: Kept saying I was "theirs" and that "I would be with them forever soon." Really creeped and freaked me the hell out. Ever seen them before?

Nichole: You never described them to me or anyone... You had passed out by the time we reached you. Oh and you've been asleep for nearly 9 hours.

Sean: 9 hours!? Jeez... Well this is the best I can describe them. They were both female, one was a Timber Wolf and another who was a Cheetah who I'm guessing was her friend. Those were the two girls who tried kidnapping me. Have you seen any suspicious figures that match their description?

Nichole: Sorry I haven't Sean, but from now on you can always count on me and Ashley to help you. Besides you aren't just another music artist that we are fans of, but you're still one of the closest friends I know. Today shouldn't be too concerning since you don't work or perform on Saturdays right?

Sean: Oh yeah. Wait it's Saturday already? Man this week sure did go by quickly. Say... (I sat up) Ashley wouldn't happen to be busy today right? I'd like to try catching up with you and stuff... unless you have other plans-

Nichole: I'd Love To! Umm.. ahem.. What I meant to say is she's with her family for the weekend so it would just be us. What exactly did you have in mind?

Sean: Well... I was actually going to leave that part up to you since the only places I can think of that we could go are either hot spots for my fans or I have too many acquaintances that work there... Hehe. You know any good places that wouldn't make me stand out?

Hallie: (out the blue joins the conversation) So we planning a special dinner this evening?! Why don't you two try that new Italian Restaurant over in Emerald Plaza?

Sean: Mo- Ugh I mean Hallie!? How long have you been there?

Hallie: Hehe... Not too long sweetie! So??? Sound like an affordable place tonight? You almost never spend your big bucks at the fancy places when I'm always wanting you to try exquisite dishes...

Sean: Alright... So Nichole, does La Pergola sound like a perfect setting for us to dine tonight?

Nichole: I've always wanted to have dinner at a big fancy restaurant!

Hallie: Anyways, just write down what those thieving bit- I mean punks looked like so Tyler can get them possibly identified at the station and if he gets any matches he'll send some people after them. No one is gonna harm or take you Sean.

Sean: *sigh* Hehe... (I walk over and hug her) Thanks Hal's... you are the best Mom/Big sister I could ever ask for.

Hallie: You see me as your Mom and Sister? Hehe... Hopefully not as a step-sister right?

Sean: (Blushing) S- Shut Up....

(We all laughed)

Sean: Alright I'll get freshened up and give Tyler the information he needs to hopefully put my crazy stalkers behind bars. Hallie would you mind seeing if Nichole would like to try on any of the dresses you don't wear anymore? Since that restaurant is so pricey, it's only natural for us to look the part too with some nice attire.

Nichole: Want to flatter me now? Hehe.

Hallie: Of course. Follow me. Let's see what I have that suits you best. (Whispers) hopefully I kept a few that would make you irresistible to him. If you are wanting to go for that kind of thing.

(They exit the room to have girl talk and do dress browsing while I showered and also got my clothing ready)

Sean: This will definitely work for a first date- WAIT.... I JUST REALIZED I ASKED HER OUT ON A DATE!?!?

(I gave Tyler my descriptions of the assailants from last night and got in my blazer waiting for Nichole downstairs)

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