Chapter 3- Start of a new Friendship/Letter from a Stalker

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(I woke up in a living room while not really remembering much from last night, but then I felt something or rather someone suddenly rub against my back and I froze in place)

Sean's mind: I'm certain nothing inappropriate occurred last night, but if I'm here... who did I just feel rub themselves against my back?

(I slowly and carefully turned my head just enough so I could see who it was. It was Nichole and I started smiling as she was smiling in her sleep, but as I slowly reached for my phone she began shifting herself and wrapped her arms around my waist rendering me unable to move)

Sean's mind: She's only getting closer and closer to me! Is she even sleeping or is she faking it just to mess with me? I don't want to be rude or anything, but being this close to a cute girl is not something I'm familiar with experiencing-



Nichole: Morning Sean... did you sleep well?

Sean: Good morning, Nichole. I guess I slept pretty well. Please forgive me, but I'm having trouble recalling what we did last night that might have caused my headache. I don't remember seeing you or Ashley out here before I drifted off. Would you mind telling me when you came out here?

Nichole: Oh um... N- Not long after you nodded off. I only wanted to make sure you were at ease, but I soon found myself dozing asleep right next to you. I believe I came out here between 2:00 and 3:00 AM, I suppose.

Ashley: Well Well... I had a feeling this would happen. Hehe! Looks like someone didn't hesitate to spend extra time with Sean. I'm gonna make omelettes and cook some bacon on the side. You hungry?

Sean: I could go for an omelette with bacon. Though I haven't met anyone who can outdo Hallie's recipe! Hehe...

Ashley: No one can turn down such a offer. So Sean, what do you usually have to drink with breakfast?

Sean: Oh it's a special one... it's called a Strawberry Hennessy. I'll make us some. You do have champagne, Hennessy, and a immersion blender right?

Nichole: Yeah why? Do you need those for the drinks?

Sean: Cant make one without those things... oh also Strawberry syrup too.

Ashley: I can't wait to try it! I'm quite the alcohol connoisseur.

(While Ashley made us breakfast, I worked on the drinks and when everything was done we clinked our drinks and tried them)

Ashley: Wow! Now this is a way to wake yourself up and feel refreshed without needing heavy stuff! How haven't you reeled in a girl yet?! With your skills, they would need to be insane to say no to you. Not that-

Nichole: We get it Ash.. hehe.

Sean: I can't tell Mo- I mean Hallie that her world famous eggs and bacon have finally been dethroned! You have done the impossible...

Ashley: R- Really? This is how I've always made them. You aren't messing with me now are you?

Sean: I'm serious Ash! She would be so jealous of your cooking skills. And that's saying a lot since she gets her recipes from Nathan, who is nearly the head chef of Roma Deli Cafe. How did you make them so rich in flavor?!

Ashley: My secret is the type of eggs, the type of pig that was used for the bacon, and other stuff. Since your such a delightful person... I'll tell you my recipe, and I give you permission to give it to your mom~ hehe.

(She tells me everything and I write it all down)

Sean: Wait what time is it?

Nichole: 9:32... why?

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