Character Edits (09/18/2024)

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Did a new design for Sean Gray!
Hey you awesome and lovely readers! Sorry for not having that many completed works yet since my first ever published page since I joined Wattpad. I've gotten so much work done on more stories and I can't believe how far I've grown as a writer and an artist! Thanks for giving Different Breed Of Love over 6.24K Reads!!! OMG!!!!!

Anyway you might have noticed I've done some new things with a few characters... that's because I wanted to give some characters a total redo and Ashley's character design is the same base model, but I just added a few more details to her spines, eyes, and attempted to add shadowing... That's just what I did after the recoloring.

Sean Grey has a different look once again. He now looks like an actual young adult, then just some teen faced anime character lol. Everyone else is the same as the last time I did any character edits.

Well... that's all for real this time! Hopefully... Again, for all old, new, recent, present, and past readers, Thanks again for giving this story so much love and support and same goes for all my other stories! I never thought my fanfic writing hobby would become so important! I originally thought I was gonna eventually need to permanently put this hobby into lost archived regions of my brain someday, but I can't see myself doing that anymore. I will keep making stories as long as I'm able to. See you in the next chapter upload and any updates I make along the way!

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