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I made my way back down stairs to join the boys. Id been upstair consoling tobi for a while so when I came back all the boys turned round and stared at me , some letting out sighs of relief at the sight to see me since they thought something had happened upstairs. I mean something did happen, Tobi just fucking cried in my arms , he was sick in the toilet and made up some shitty excuse which I knew as soon as he said it , was a lie. Bless him he's awful at lying. I didn't tell him I knew he was lying. I wanted to ask him what was going and why he had not told me the truth but I knew it'd overwhelm him so I just sent him off to his bed as I knew he'd  drift off. 

"bog?" I hear a voice call. I wait a second before answering. "mhm?" I respond back. It was josh. "what's up?" he said worryingly, all the boys are still glaring at me. What the fuck does he mean what's up. Oh shit can he tell somethings wrong with tobi , fuck sake josh can see right through me can't he? I come up with a response in my brain so i don't blurt out something when there is no need, maybe he doesn't know anything about tobi and isn't thinking down that route and its just genuinely asking what's up. "why do you ask?" I say moments later. "because you just stood there for like 30 seconds frozen." I did? Oh shit I was caught in a trance just thinking about tobi. "oh yeah I'm fine just was in a trance thinking about something." it wasn't  a lie, I was caught in a trance,  but not just about something , about what id just sat and dealt with the past half hour and how I seen tobi so , broken. "what something?" Ethan blurts out. "non of your fucking business," I snap back and they all give me a look as if 'is it about him(tobi)' "and no its not about tobi." I finish lying to their faces. Most of them finally let their stairs go besides one. Besides Simon. 

I went to sit down while all the boys stuck their heads back into their phones and popped their AirPods in their ears to block out noise , all except Simon. "what's up with tobs?" he blurts out. "he's away to sleep, he was in the toilet." I say , not a lie! But not the truth either. He looks at me confused "so he was in the toilet the whole time you were upstair?" I think to myself , if he was just doing the toilet id have just left , fuck I slipped up. I look down to my hand and start fidgeting and shaking. Simon notices , grabs my hand and lets out a BIG huff. "ok now can you please just tell me what's really up with him bog? the truth?" he says softly. "kitchen , now" I command to him and I get up to leave, he follows close behind.

"so?" he says. "okay I could just be overthinking I mean I probably am. I'm just concerned but you have to promise that after I tell you this you don't mention it to tobs because he will probably be really embarrassed by it and that someone else knows and that I told you  and don't tell any of the boys because-" I let my thoughts get the better of me and just let out everything. Before I could finish though Simon sharply interrupted, "bog I won't tell anyone okay, just tell me , I promise after this it never has to be brought up again." he says re assuring me. I take a deep breath. "Okay you were all stuck in yours phones which fair enough I was lost in mine too until I felt something missing in the room and I looked up to notice ,tobi was gone. I asked you boys where he was and Ethan told me he was at the toilet which I found weird, he was gone for like 20 minutes and so I went up to the bathroom to make sure everything was okay to find it was locked. And I heard-" I paused. Even just thinking about tobi in that state broke my heart. Simon taps my shoulder comforting me and I continue "I heard muffled cries from the other side of the door and after a few minutes and a bit of convincing he let me in and I seen his head leaned against the wall and he was having what looked to be a mental breakdown. I let him cuddle in my chest and told him to let it out, it was fucking heartbreaking Simon, I mean in that moment I wanted to just take all the pain tobs was suffering and give it to myself. id much rather that than see him like that." Simon nodded like he'd do that too, I know he would. "After a while I smelt an oder from the toilet I went to shut it and tobi just shouted at me to not go near it." my voice cracked at the end of that sentence. "why the fuck would he shout I mean it'd probably be JJs lingering shit." he giggled but this wasn't a time for giggling, though I nodded agreeing with him.


I just said something pretty funny if you ask me but harry didn't laugh, he just agreed with me about JJs shitty smell. "I wish it was Jjs shit rather than what tobs told me it was." he said looking me dead in the eyes. Oh shit what the fuck, "continue" I say intrigued. "he told me he had been sick due to eating one bite of a burger that he'd consumed. He said he'd been unwell and it didnt sit well with his stomach which I know is bull because, Simon, I don't think he's been eating much this week." my jaw internally dropped. "I think he's being sick because he's purposely starving himself or at least forcing himself not to eat even though he's clearly starving. I told him to just go to bed , rest up." he finished his story. "holy shit harry , we'll have to keep a close eye on him." I say worried. "you know I could be just, overthinking!" he says shaking. "I don't think you are. But from now on I'll pretend I never heard that whole story unless you want to bring it up okay." harry sighed in relief, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. I pull him into a hug and we head back on to the large couch, acting like we didn't just have a deep as fuck conversation.

𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐮𝐬 (𝐭𝐛𝐣𝐳𝐥)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon