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fuck, fuck fuck fuck. I've been feeling so shit recently, and so I grabbed a big blade, not a blade actually a knife and I cut my arm. I wasn't thinking about how that'd end. It'd end like a fucking murder scene.

There was blood everywhere, I felt dizzy and nauseous, I was losing blood like crazy, it was like a waterfall pouring out of my arm.

I almost have no choice but to go down to get help from the boys otherwise I'll die probably. Not that I didn't want to die, I'd be better off dead but I don't know why I cared.

I walked into the living room as I heard talking and they all stared at me. Like I'm , disgusting.

"Tobi, oh my god are you okay what the fuck! Simon get a cloth and hey JJ call 999 I'm going to need an ambulance." Josh shouted out in worry, it was all said so fast and all of a sudden my throat and chest got tight, my breathing got heavier and I felt myself shake.

"Josh it's , I can't my hearts beating really fast." I managed to get out. Josh took me to the kitchen and got my arm wrapped up while we waited for an ambulance. Everyone was in the kitchen watching me have a full blown panic attack. Oh and having to see my bloody arm.

"Just breathe okay." Josh tried to tell me but it's way easier said than done. "tobi it's okay right, no one's mad at you for bleeding, but how the fuck did this happen."

And so I told them that I'm not mentally okay, how I cut myself to make me feel better. How I have panic attacks way more frequently and, "I used a kitchen knife to cut because I wasn't satisfied with just a blade." I admited. Everyone was either in tears or had watery eyes.

As if on cue the ambulance came and took me in the van, I took Josh with me and the others would meet us there.

𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐮𝐬 (𝐭𝐛𝐣𝐳𝐥)Where stories live. Discover now