Happily Ever After - by the-volturi-diaries

Start from the beginning

"Hello," Felix greeted the baby.

And it was then that you smiled, the sight of it so sweet to him.


After that, he made a point to visit you and your son.

It was, he tried to claim, simple kindness. You were a stranger here and struggling alone, especially with a child to care for. There was no father that he knew of. And so Felix would visit you in the little apartment you'd barely managed to rent. It was a lovely place, as shabby as it seemed, the walls painted colors of your favor. And you'd filled it with books and music and little toys scattered about...and him.

There quickly became a place for Felix, a third chair appearing with two others (it was a mismatched set but he did not care at all).

He would help you to settle into Volterra, planting flowers in the garden outside of your home (it was Charlies favorite place on earth, that sunny patch of land) and showing you everything. The library, the historical sights, all of it.


You did not speak his name, no, upon your lips his name became something of a song. And the sound of it brought him to you at once, never realizing the command you had over him. There, in the kitchen, you held your son and chattered happily, Charlie reaching out to Felix. In truth, he was unsure of what to make of the child.

Felix knew what he thought of you, that had been simple enough. Love. He was falling in love with you.

But the baby was a complication, something he'd never expected. Things like him were not supposed to be fathers, were they? The sky was downcast that day, soon it would rain. So there would be no trips to the park or the library or any of it. Charlie already so fussy about it. But still he reached out to Felix, who found himself picking up the little thing and teasing him in Italian. The sound of his deep, richly dark voice had Charlie bursting into a smile...your smile! How had he never noticed that before?

And it was then that everything else became simple again.

He loved Charlie too, as though the boy had always been his own. And he was, after that, Felix had become a father despite everything.


Charlie had quickly grown, walking on his own and speaking a handful of things, both in your own tongue and in Italian, having picked it up from Felix. It was almost shocking to Felix, how quickly everything had changed, but what had been more shocking was how much he'd grown to love all of it.

And Felix had changed as well, though he did not notice it himself.

It had been the others, Demetri and Heidi, that had first seen the changes. Constantly smiling and laughing, vanishing for long periods of time and reappearing just as suddenly, always with a carefully thought up excuse. Demetri had never been one to be left out of a bit of fun...and that was no point in hiding from a tracker! So he had hunted Felix, one cloudy day, and found him there in the garden. A woman leaned against him, looking at Felix as though he were the sun and stars. And a baby played upon his lap, giggling and babbling away. So confused by the sight of it all, he had not even realized he'd been caught until his old friend called out to him.


Felix had beckoned him closer and, having wanted so much to tell someone of his happiness, introduced Demetri at once.

"This is my Y/N and this," Felix had grinned. "is Charlie."

That night, as they walked home slowly, and Felix told him everything of you, the woman and baby he had come to love so dearly. It was then that he had known that he could no longer keep the truth of it from you any longer. Already you had taken notice of his strangeness, asking questions that he could not answer.

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