Lizardmen Arrival (P/3)

Start from the beginning

However, The Primordial Demons and Angels are different compared to us. Even if you destroy their very soul, they will return with their memories intact.

Terrifying if you think about it, an enemy like that who always comes back no matter what...

But, for now, we don't need to worry about these people.

What I need to worry about more is the fact one of those Dragon Lord's has apparently joined one of the neighbouring countries side.

And that is where Shadow comes in.

Shadow's second Unique Skill, the one she Awakened during the Harvest Festival, {Fear} comes into play.

It allows her to expand her aura to appear more threatening, and even her mere presence allows her to instill fear and hopelessness. No matter how strong the individual is, her presence would be enough to make them fear her. Also, it also allows her to erase that she even existed in the minds of others once a person reaches maximum fear.

However, with her other Unique Skill {Law Breaker}, she can bypass the maximum fear limit and erase any sort of memory regarding her if a person fears her even by a little.

This, infact, allows her to keep her identity a secret in the eyes of others and allows to make up for any sort of mistake she might make accidently.

This woman is pretty terrifying...

Either way, I assigned her to keep watch over the three neighbouring countries around Jura.

Fulbrosia, Harpy Kingdom.

Eurazania, Beast Kingdom.

Jistav, Puppet Kingdom.

The most wary one was Jistav, who has the aid of one of the Primordial Dragon who is the sister of Uri and Kairi. Her name is Shi, and she is the Primordial Dragon of Death.

The other two are less important as of now, as they have shown no signs of hostility towards us at all. They don't seem keen on making the Jura Forest a part of their territory, but keeping an eye on them is a must.

Shadow is currently surveying these countries using her shadows and spreading them out, and so far they have made and done remarkable work.

They were able to uncover the identity of the Ruler of Eurazania, who goes by the name of Carrion. He is apparently a "Hero" who did an astounding job during a... War. He had three Beastketeers, who go by the name Albis, Phobio and Suphia.

Next up, is the Harpy Queen Frey. She is an expert in sky combat and possesses an interesting skills which tampers with the magicules in the air. Her closest subordinates are her children, and they only receive orders directly from her.

Finally, Jistav is ruled by a man named Clayman. From what I've heard, he's an overly cautious man that prefers to work from inside the shadows. He appears to be the biggest obstacle as of now, but that is assuming he decides to fight us.

Well, Shadow has them under watch so we don't need to worry about them at all unless she says so. All we have to do, is keep an eye out for them.

As for the rest, nothing eventful happened with them.

Since we established a Dojo, Shizue has been training Haruto in many ways.

She has, infact, turned children's games into a way to train.

She has turned Tag into a way of concentration, reaction speed and speed training.

She has turned Hide and Seek into a way of navigating and focusing.

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