Chapter 2 New coach, new start

Start from the beginning

"Are the members fixed?", a man with round glasses asked his assisstent. 
"Yes, Ego-San.", the woman standing beside him said. "Though, I have to ask, why are you reviewing this video over and over again? That boy has lost the game. We have already invited the opposing striker..."
"Anri, what's the name of that boy?", Ego asked his assisstent. 
"Eh? His name is Yoichi Kageyama, if I remember it correctly.", she answered, while looking at the tablet in her hands. 
"Yoichi Kageyama. Did he get an invitation?", Ego asked again. 
"No. He didn't make it to the nationals anyway. What's the point?", Anri replied a little bit confused. 
"Invite him then." 
"Why? We already have so many talents like Rin Itoshi, the younger brother of Sae Itoshi or Shido Ryusei. Currently the best high school players..." 
"So what?", Ego interrupted her. 
"But why would we need him?", she asked him. 
"Because out of all the talented players we've gathered until now. There is no one like him and I believe, that there will be a massive change in his abilities when he sets his foot into this facility." 

"...Miya Atsumu with the serve. He goes for a jump floater by the looks of it.", one of the commentator said. 
"Yes, but remember. Miya Atsumu is someone with a nasty run up. You cannot know, what he's serving just by looking at the steps he'll take for his run up.", the second commentator objected to his colleague. 
"Yes, that's right... Oh you're right. Here comes a powerful top spin serve." 
"But Shoyo Hinata picks it up very nicely. There is the set from Bruno to the backrow for Hinata Shoyo and he smashes it in with his left arm passing the block of his Ex-club! What a swing!!"
Yoichi looked at the game. What a beautiful sport volleyball is in reality. No wonder, his brother was so obsessed with it. 
"Service by Bruno. Set point for Sao Paolo." 
"Massive serve by Bruno Fernandez, but no problem for Kiyoomi Sakusa. Nice receive."
The rival in the national team of Yoichi's brother, Miya Atsumu runs forward and sets it to the left. 
"Bokuto on the left with a massive swing. This is one of his unique weapons.", the commentators shouted through their mics. "THE ULTIMATE CROSS SHOT!!! But wait, Hinata Shoyo picks it up. WHAT A DIG!!!" 
'This velocity, and he's still not off his balance?', Yoichi thought. 
"GO NII-CHAN!!!!!", Natsu shouted enthusiastically from her seat next to him. 
"Bruno approaching for the set. Hinata with a side step for a quick strike on the other side, but Bruno chooses the middle blocker Simone Azani who comes from the right. AND SAO PAOLO TAKES THE SET AND WINS THE MATCH!!!", the first commentator shouted again. The whole stadium was shouting. What a game. 3-2. The scores were crazy. Though Yoichi was not cheering. He quickly stood up and ran to the court. Shoyo was exactly the fitness trainer he needed. He wanted that body of him, that balance, that flexibility and that speed. 
"Hey, where are you going?", Natsu shouted in confusion. Yoichi ignored her and ran to the court, where Hinata could be seen stretching. 
"Hinata-San!", he shouted. The orange haired boy looked up. 
"Oh, hi, Yoichi-kun. What do you need? Did you enjoy watching the game?", he asked. 
"It was thrilling. C-can I make a request?", he asked. 
"What is it?", the volleyball player asked him and changed his stretching pose. 
"Can you become my fitness trainer?", he asked him. The tangerine thought for some seconds and then looked at him. 
"Sure, why not? Though... I doubt I can help you with your game play in football.", Hinata said and finished switched to his last stretching exercise. 
"It's alright. I just want to learn how to have your balance and flexibility.", Yoichi explained. 
"Alright, but... the problem is, that you need to come to Brazil with me, since I'm leaving next week with my team.", the tangerine said. "I can buy you a ticket, but I hope you get this important infromation to your family first. Alright?" 
"Deal.", Yoichi answered with fired up smile. 

Yoichi's parents weren't that easy to talk around. 
"No way. There is absolutely no way we're going to allow you to go to Brazil with your brother's short school mate.", his mother argued with her hands on her hips. 
"But mother...", Yoichi tried to say. 
"No buts.", his father cut him up. "We've been over this. You cannot go. Besides, where are you going to sleep?"
"Hinata-San has offered me accommodation. That's not going to be the problem.", he answered. 
"Still no and that is final.", his mother said. 
"But mum! I want to improve my football.", the boy whined. Then his brother walked in to get some water. 
"What's the noice all about?", he asked as he took a sip. 
"Your brother wants to go to Brazil, so that your high school team mate can coach him.", his mother explained. 
"Oh... and?", Tobio asked again. 
"And he is not allowed to!", their father added. "Tell him why we won't let him go!"
"I'd say we just let him go.", Tobio said and took another sip from his water. 
"WHAT!!!!!! WHY!?", their mother asked him in a very strict matter. 
"Because he wants to improve. Simply as that. Besides, my teammate might be very annoying sometimes, but overall he is very caring and to back my argument up, his girlfriend is also there and she is a very good caretaker, so let him go chase his dream. It's only fair.", Tobio said. 
"Why is it fair?" 
"Because you allowed me to quit school and join the V-league directly after graduating from high school.", he replied. 
"But that's only because you were still in Japan. There's a huge difference in that!"
"Then two years after I've played for the Schweiden Adlers, you let me go to Italy and that was for a long time. Where's the difference now?" 
That silenced their parents. Clearly, Tobio has won the argument. 
"Look, I don't want to be harsh, it's holidays. He'll be back in like three weeks. It's not gonna affect his studies anyway.", he continued. 
"It is still a no! Why can't he just go with you? To Italy, a saver place than Brazil. Didn't you see those slums filled up with poor people and criminals? Didn't you see those illnesses in Brazil?", their mother argued back. 
"Because I can't teach him the things he wants to learn, mum. That teammate of mine, his name is Shoyo Hinata and he is the volleyball player with the best balance I know."
"But why can't teach him?" 
"Because I'm not able to. Because I don't have the body to. Because I can't get the right work out in such a short amount of time."
"Hinata Shoyo. By far one of the best volleyball players in the world. One of the few people with such an incredible balance and agility. He is the one, Yoichi is looking up to. He is the one, Yoichi wants to learn from. Why don't we give him a chance to get the knowledge and the power he wants?" 
"No. And it's final.", the mother finally said and left the conversation. 
"Ey, Yoko, wait up. Let's go through it again, okay? No need to be angry.", their father followed her. 
"Perfect, what do we do now? You've just ruined my only chance to go to Brazil, Nii-San.", Yoichi taunted in an annoying way. 
"Who said you weren't going?", Tobio replied in a deadpan matter. 
"What do you mean?", Yoichi asked confused and a bit concerned, because his brother started to grin which is never a good sign. "Mum said it. She said it loud and clear..."
"Tch, mum is just concerned. Don't worry, I'll put it down.", Tobio replied. 
"What are you trying to do?", the younger brother asked, frightened by Tobio's smirk. 

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