But then a door opens "You two, get to class!" a teacher almost yells at us.

He looks a little sad.


When I walk into my first class, the professor isn't there 'weird, I'm 5 minutes late'

I walk to the back as it's the only place that still has sets left.

When I sit down the boy in front of me turns around "You the new girl right?" 'nah I've been going here for 3 years, what does he think'

"Yeah" I reply as I didn't wanna be rude to someone that don't deserve it, unlike douchie.

"Cool, my name is Noah" he extents his hand.

"My name is Katrine" I take his hand and he looks ridiculously shocked.

"If you need any help in this class, don't hesitate to ask me" he winks a me 'weird...'

It's free period and let's just say I've met some interesting people, they all told me random shit that I'm guessing Kamilla fed them with, doesn't really matter though because today Else is coming to the house.

I walk around for a bit until I see Noah pointing at me, and I watch as my sister approaches him and what I'm assuming is his friends.

She says something to them and none of them looks pleased, the conversation continues and I walk closer to see what my incompetent sister is doing.

By the time I'm close enough to hear what is being said Kamllia gets dragged away. 

I go up to them to ask what just happened.

"Hi Noah" I smile at him.

"Oh and....?" I look at one of the other boys.

"This is William and this is Lee" Noah introduces them to me.

I look at the other boy "you got to be kidding me"

I decide to look back at William and Noah  "I'm Katrine, but you already knew that Noah"

And I just completely ignore Lees presence .

"So why was you in the hospital?" blondie, 'sorry' William asks.

"Wait you know about that?" I'm too stunned to say anything else.

"Yeah, so?" he looks even more intrigued now

"That bitch" I mutter.

William looks at me expectant and I'm honestly a little disappointed that he is asking.

"It's nothing don't worry about it" William looks displeased with my answer.

"But" he drags out the t "I really wanna know"

"Too bad" I say to close this up.

'that bitch will get what comes her way, I won't stop it this time' 

"Folk snakker mere end hva' de burde. Hvorfor fa'en åbner de munden når de ik' er blevet spurgt" I look up and see that they heard it, luckily they can't understand me. I can see it in their expressions.

(People talk more than what they should. Why the hell do they open their mouths when they wasn't asked)

No one says anything and a silence falls over us but it doesn't last long.

"And in English please" Noah says.

"Oh yeah, right. I just said people gossip too much and that they should keep their mouth shut, mostly referring to my oh so sweet sister" I'm obviously being sarcastic about the last part.

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