RECORD - Staff Dinner

Start from the beginning

Whilst waiting for the meat to cook, the ribbon wearing woman slammed a handful of cans on the table. "Gojo!" Pointing her finger across from her on the table. "I challenge you to a drinking game!"

He held his hand out; "I'll pass."

At this statement, the college students get worried at glance at Yuri.

Iori Utahime sneered at this statement before looking at her juniors. "Nanami! Shoko! Why don't you two join as well! So we can beat Gojo in something!" Passing some of the cans towards them before shoving one towards the subject of her attempted jeers.

"Senpai..." They muttered. "Aren't you working after this?" Nanami added.


Somehow, the others, especially the principal, managed to peer pressure the man to join in the drinking game. It was a simple drinking game. Whoever backed out first from drinking lost! And what seemed like 30 minutes or more had passed, which meat being passed around their plates, Utahime was already losing track of how many cans she had chugged on. Staring directly at the sunglasses bastard, who seemed just fine instead of melting and barfing like he did that one time a few years back.

"You're such a bad drunk Gojyo... WHY AREN'T YOU DRUNK!?" tossing a whole bottle instead to down on. "You're cheating somehow..."

Yuri began to laugh at the situation. "Hime-san, that took a while for you to notice!" as her cup was getting filled with the bottle's contents. "Yuri!" The woman's tone was incredibly peeved. Nobody did anything about this situation, including Seo Haru, much to Nitta's concern. Her two juniors beside her snickered quietly at the situation. "Senpai, you're still bad at noticing things quickly."

Thus their drinking game was a scam.

In it's place, the white-haired cheater changed topic with his accomplice. "Yuri-chan, if you don't mind, how's your love life going?"

"It's going well," she hummed. Everyone knew who she was talking about, it wasn't really that big of a deal, she had convinced herself. "I mean, he helped with the trip we did last month! Plus he threw away the flowers some random person gave me at the boutique," flowery vibes emanated from her. "The flowers made me feel like shit... I'm happy he knows me well."

"What about..." whispering to her the stuff. Causing her to cough heavily as she choked on her drink, a shot of sake, receiving a reassuring pat from Haru who only glared harshly towards the man. You bet Gojo's wondering whether she did that because hormonal teens are a thing and so far, Kamo hasn't commented about it. But due to the fact they were engaged out out of political and contractual obligation, Gojo expected that they would want to produce an heir rather quickly in order to discard her.

"Jo-san... do you even know how long it took for me to even kiss him?! It only happened because of a misunderstanding too!" She bashfully blabbed to him before requesting for more mushrooms on her plate.

"If I don't mind asking," the tired college student beside her entered their conversation, "did the misunderstanding involve Okkotsu Yuta?"


"It did didn't it," she poked her; "You're growing up so fast like my own sister," weeping a bit before handing over some more mushrooms and veggies. "You gotta eat more food, I don't wanna hear you craving for some random curse nearby." Making the her feel awkward in front of these adults.

This was why she didn't go to them anymore.

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You know how at the end of Episode 24, Gojo and Utahime were chatting about drinks or whatever. It's this.

This was originally supposed to go after EP 17, hence it's published as later, but chronologically it would make more sense here. Thus explaining my choice.

I wanted to add more but that's for future me to figure out cuz I'm lazy right now.

I can't believe there's only a month left before I have to go to school again ;u; I haven't done my summer prep at all. If I don't publish on time it's because of that, readers. Other than my issue with adapting Shibuya Incident as well...

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