The Art of Alcohol.

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"Why is it so small?" Jimin asked while looking at the tiny glass filled with clear liquid. The only thing he can think it to be is water, but why in such a small serving?

"So you must be a pro then, Chim? Going for the big shot glasses this early?" Hoseok laughs, confusing Jimin with the foreign term.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he twists in the bar stool. "More water."

"More water? Oh, so you must be a pro, huh?" Hoseoks laughs again, confusing Jimin even more. "Water already? Props to you for thinking ahead, we'll need some." Waving over to the bartender, he asks for two glasses of water, pleasing Jimin with the bigger size.

"Cheers Chim," Hoseok says to the smaller human, holding up his shot.

Y/N had told him this. He knew what cheers meant! It means to celebrate!

Smiling at his remembered knowledge, he holds up his glass as well. Following Hoseok's lead, he brings his shot glass and clinks it against Hoseok's, then brings it back to drink. From the size of the glass, Jimin thought that he could down the water in two or three gulps. So, that's what he does.

It's not until the burning sensation in the back of his throat sets in and the strong scent, that he realizes that it's not water. The first thing he connects the horrible taste to is the stuff Y/N put on a cut he got while he was cutting his pancakes a while back. He remembered the name, rubbing

alcohol, and how it stung his skin, much like how it was doing to his throat, but at the same time the liquid he just drank it's somehow sweet. Not to mention the smell that even stung his nose.

"Wow, that looked like yours was almost a one-gulper Chimmy," Hoseok says when finishing the shot that took him triple the time to drink than Jimin. "And for your first shot of the night?!"

Jimin's face is contorted back into a look of disgust, his mouth slightly open as if to release all of the bad he put in it. "Huuh, why does it taste like rubbing alcohol?" Jimin asks, his tongue out, making his words hardly comprehensible.

Hoseok gathers two of the seven words. Taste and alcohol. "I know, it tastes good, Right?"

"Good?" Jimin squints his eyes while looking back at the little glass of something he would never call "good."

Holding up the large bottle of soju, Hoseok pours Jimin another glass, then hands the whole bottle to Jimin. Looking down at the green-tinted glass, Jimin then looks at Hoseok with confusion as to why he gave it to him.

His question is answered when he sees Hoseok lift his shot glass. "Fill my glass, bro." Hoseok chimes with a little burp.

Mimicking Hoseok, he tilts the bottle and the liquid begins pouring out. And it's quick. The only experience of pouring things Jimin's ever gotten is by milk. Even then, it's only recently that Y/N started letting him do it himself because of all the times he'd make a mess or spill.

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