Chapter 23

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Bobby's POV:

 I walked into the house, hiding the flowers I had bought for Mary behind my back. 

 "Mary!" I called out. There was no response. "Mary?" I called again. 

 I frowned and followed her scent to the bedroom. I couldn't see her in there at first. I went inside and around the other side of the bed. She was sitting there on the floor, clutching what looked to be a piece of paper and a plastic stick. 

 "Mary..?" I asked, kneeling down. 

 "Bobby?? When did you get home?? And what happened to your arm??" she jumped, a little startled. 

 "Rogue attack. And, I got home just now. Did you not sense me or hear me calling..?" She shook her head no before looking down sadly. "Mary, what's wrong?" I asked gently but firmly. 

 "I-it's a long story...." 

 "We have time, my love. Nothing is more important than you. If something is bothering you, I want to know what it is." Mary looked up at me and gave a small smile. 

 She finally sighed heavily, her smile disappearing. "Bobby, we're gonna have a baby." My eyes went wide at her words. I wasn't sure I heard her right. 

 "A b-baby..?" Mary nodded, a small smile on her beautiful tear-stained face. "Mary, that's wonderful! But why are you upset..? Do you not want a baby?" 

 "Oh, no! I want this baby so very much!" Mary frowned, handing me the piece of paper she was holding. It was a note. "This is what's wrong...." 

 I looked at Mary before reading the note. A loud, angry growl escaped my lips. "Don't worry, Mary. I'll protect you. I know the rest of the pack will too. He'll have to kill us all before he can get his paws on you." 

 Mary looked at me, tears in her eyes. "You don't know him the way I do. He takes what he wants when he wants it without any questions asked. He's strong, fast, agile, and he's light on his feet. He could easily snap someone's neck with one hand! He thinks he's the moon goddess' gift to women. Honestly though, if he meant that he was the moon goddess' gift to women so that they would puke, then yea, he'd be absolutely right. At least me...He has his own little group of fan girls."

 I chuckled at her last words before pulling her close to me. I took in her scent as she took in mine. "My darling, I promise I will not let him take you. Over my dead body will anything happen to you and to this baby. Even if he manages to get you, even if I'm on the brink of death, I shall run and save you. Lightning speed. Like I've never run before." I ran my fingers through her hair. 

 "I'm just so scared....I love you so much...." Mary whispered. 

 "I know, I know....As do I..." with that, I kissed my mate lovingly. Mary leaned into the kiss more, moaning a little. We stopped the kiss and smiled at one another, panting a little. 

 "I love you, Mary..." 

 "I love you too, Bobby....More than you know..."

 Quinn's POV:

 My mate, Robin, and I were sitting in the office, talking. We'd been taking care of Todd for several weeks now, maybe more. We've grown to love him as our own. And this, is what we're talking about. 

 "I love him, Robin. I don't want him to go to another family." 

 "I know, Quinn. I love him to. But remember, we wanted a baby of our own. Do you think we could handle Todd and a baby?" Robin asked, eyeing me carefully.

 I nodded and answered truthfully. "It may be hard sometimes, but I believe we can do this. Plus, Todd is old enough to help out around the house and with the baby. He doesn't have to be the future alpha if you don't want him to be." Robin nodded and looked down, thinking. He was quiet for several minutes. "Robin...?" I asked finally. 

 Robin finally looked up at me and nodded with a smile. "If Todd agrees to this, then I say, let's do it. Let's adopt him." I squealed happily, throwing my arms around him and kissing him. When we finally pulled away, I smiled brightly, my arms still around his neck. 

 "I'm going to make a special dinner tonight! Todd's favorite pork roast. And his favorite dessert." I declared, pecking Robin's cheek before leaving. I was really excited. 

 We may not have known him for very long, but I really do love him. I don't know what happened or how it happened. I hope he'll agree. If he doesn't, it's alright. I just want what's best for him and for him to be happy. 

 *Several Hours Later*

 It's finally time for dinner. Robin just came back home from picking up Todd from the park. We're now all sitting down at the table. Todd is looking excited and hungry, which honestly makes me smile and chuckle. 

 We ate with cheerful conversation, Todd was telling us all about Addie's powers. Addie is his best friend. Everyday he's talking about her. And I've heard from her mother, she talks about Todd every day too. 

 Finally, it was time for dessert. Todd, as he always does, helped me clear the table and get out the utensils and plates for the dessert. Chocolate Cream Pie. Todd set the table and I placed the pie on the table. 

 "Todd, you sit down. I'll be right back." I told him, going into the kitchen for the pitcher of milk. I poured the three of us a glass before putting it away and sitting down. 

 As Robin cut the pie, he mind-linked me, telling me we could tell him now. I nodded and turned to Todd. 

 "Todd, honey, Robin and I want to ask you something." I began, feeling a little nervous. 

 "What is it, Luna Quinn?" he asked. 

 "Well, we've been wanting a baby of our own for a while now. But, we have grown to love you as our own." Todd looked at me curiously. 

 "What we're trying to ask, Todd, is, how would you feel if we adopted you and became your parents?" Robin finished for me. 

 Todd stared at us, his eyes wide. For a minute or two, no one spoke. Then finally, Todd broke the silence.

 "R-really? Y-you really want to adopt me?" Robin and I both nodded with a smile. Todd smiled brightly, tears coming to his eyes. "Yes! Yes! I'd love that!" he exclaimed, getting up and hugging us both. "I love you, Alpha Robin and Luna Quinn.." he said quietly as we hugged the little boy. 

 "We love you too, my boy." Robin said, giving me a smile. I was so happy. I'm not sure I could get happier. 

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