Chapter 10

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Unknown POV: 

"Get up and shut up, brat!" my uncle slapped me hard. 

 "P-please, s-sir! Leave me alone.." I cried. 

 "Oh stop your whining." my aunt said crossly. "Now put these on." She tossed me an old dress. It was barely wearable. It was worn out and full of holes. I sniffled as I put on the dress. 

 "Come on, slow poke brat!" my cousin kicked me down. 

 "We're leaving now. You'd better hurry up." Aunt Millicent said. 

 My life has always been miserable. I don't know what I ever did to my uncle, aunt, or cousin. I'm an Omega. My parents died when I was born, so, I was left with my aunt and uncle. At the time, my cousin hadn't even been born yet. He was born when I was seven. For a while, they blamed not being able to have a baby on me. Then, they blamed me for it taking so long. Here, everything that goes wrong, is my fault. At least that's what they say. 

 I walked out to the car and got in in the very back. They don't let me sit on any of the seats, so only when they absolutely have to, they have me sit in the very back. We were on our way to the ceremony of the new Alpha and Luna. I sighed deeply as lay down in the back of the car. When we finally stopped, we all got out and walked to the area where the ceremony would take place. It was like a big pavilion. 

 A few minutes passed, and the Alpha, Luna, Alpha's daughter, and her mate came walking into the pavilion. Next, the Beta and his family, then, the Gamma and his family. As the Gamma's son walked up, my eyes went wide. My wolf started going crazy. 

 "Mate." I whispered. 

 "Shut up, Renae!" my Uncle Lawrence slapped me. The Gamma's son growled and ran towards me, standing protectively in front of me and my uncle. "Hey! Get out of my way, boy! This is between me and my pathetic niece." The boy growled and held up his hands. He moved them around in the air quickly in sign language.

 I'd heard about him from my aunt, and uncle. Gamma Cayden and Miss Amy adopted him as a baby. He was born deaf, but was able to learn sign language and how to read lips. Because they couldn't have children of their own, they made him the future Gamma.

 I really have no clue what he was trying to say, but whatever he said made my uncle mad. Or, maybe just him doing his sign language in general. My uncle swiped at him. I gasped as he scratched my mate and knocked him down. I knelt beside him, making sure he was ok. We then turned to my uncle. 

 "Uncle Lawrence, this ends here." I declared. My mate nodded. 

 Uncle Lawrence sneered. "I told you never to call me that! You little brat!" he exclaimed, rushing to me. Instead of him hitting me, my mate and I stepped aside, making him fly in between us and hit the ground. He was furious, but we were laughing. 

 "Uncle Lawrence, I am done being pushed around and treated like I'm lower than dirt. Mother and father would have wanted you to love me. I can only imagine what they'd do if they found out." 

 "They'd beat us up." I heard my cousin mutter. My mate looked confused. He probably didn't catch it...Also...He's probably wondering what I meant by, 'Lower than dirt.' 

 "I'll explain it to you later...Come on." I replied. 

 He nodded and we went further into the crowd. I was just gonna stand in the front, but he shook his head and made me stand next to him in the pavilion. His parents, the Beta and his family, the Alpha, Luna, the Alpha's daughter, and her mate smiled at me. The Alpha cleared his throat and began the ceremony from where he'd left off. I think when he was interrupted, he was welcoming all of us and thanking us all for coming.

 "Pack members, as you know, it is time for my wife and I to step down and allow the next generation to take over. I can honestly say, that it was an honor serving you. And now, Quinn, Robin." he motioned the two to come over to him. As they stood before him, the Alpha and Luna smiled. 

 "As you all know, our Quinn has turned eighteen years old. It is now time that we step down and let them take over. Robin, as Alpha, I trust you will protect and lead the pack wisely. Quinn, my daughter, as Luna, I trust you will guide this pack and make sure they are safe. I trust you both will work together and under you both, the Silver Star Pack will thrive!" the Luna declared proudly. 

 "And now, Robin, Quinn, do you both swear to protect, guide, and serve the people of the Silver Star Pack with your lives?" the Alpha asked firmly. 

 "Yes, I do." Robin said. 

 "I promise." Quinn nodded. 

 "Then, as Alpha and Luna of the Silver Star Pack, I hereby declare you both, Alpha and Luna!" there was a loud sound of cheering. 

 Robin and Quinn turned towards the pack members and bowed their heads in respect. "As Luna and Alpha, we promise to do our best to serve and protect you all." Quinn smiled as Robin nodded in agreement. After the ceremony, I saw my family leaving. Instead of following them, like they firmly, and cruelly motioned me to do, I stayed behind with my mate.

Altan's POV:

The ceremony wasn't that bad. I actually found my mate. I couldn't believe it...While everyone was busy talking to and congratulating Quinn and Robin, my mate and I sat alone together. 

 'Hello.." I signed. 

 She stared at me, confused. Crud. She can't understand me! I quickly spotted Shane and motioned him to come over. He walked over and introduced himself. I explained how I needed his help, so she could understand me. 

 'No problem, bro.' he signed carelessly. "So, he says because you don't understand, I'll interpret for you." he said.

 "Ok...Um...I-I'm Renae Brilynn." My lovely mate said. Shane looked over at me. 

 'That's a pretty name. I'm Altan.' Shane told her what I said and she nodded. 

 "So, I guess it's true what I heard? You are deaf, but you can read lips and sign?" 

 I nodded. 'Renae, tell me. Who was that man? Why was he treating you like that?' I scowled at the thought. She sighed, her gaze lowering. There was a long pause. I think she was speaking, but I couldn't see her lips. I looked over at Shane. He had a look of shock in his eyes. 

 He looked over at me and hesitantly said, "Bro, first, promise me you won't freak out..." 

 'Shane......What's going on...?' I asked. He looked at me like he was pleading me not to freak out. I nodded, a little hesitantly. 

 "Altan, Renae said that her parents died when she was three years old. She was sent to live with her aunt and uncle....And......" Shane stopped. 

 'And what, Shane?!' 

 "They abuse her...." I stared at him then at my mate. I noticed her arms. They were covered in bruises.

Shane's POV:

Altan's eyes were wide. He gently lifted her chin so she was looking at him. His eyes went as wide as saucers. I stared at Renae. Her face had so many bumps and bruises and red spots I don't think there was any room left for more. It makes me kinda wonder if the rest of her body is the same... I tapped Altan's shoulder. He looked over at me. 

 "Altan, we need to tell the Alpha and Luna." He nodded. Renae looked nervous. Altan smiled at her, making her smile back. 

 I'm not really sure how neither of us noticed before. Maybe because we weren't paying attention...But, now we are. And we will not let those people get away with this.

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