Ch. 15.3 - Build Club

Start from the beginning

Jesse: "Wait... I still don't understand... 'risking your life?' Is the Eversource dangerous or something? Just... what in the world is the Eversource even exactly!?" The Founder looked at me with a rather serious expression.

Founder: "A lot of people think it's just some machine or something similar that can mass-produce materials, but it's way more complicated than that. Even just getting these resources can be very dangerous; most people actually fear it, so I've never decided to make it public what it actually is."

Jesse: "...Eh?" It certainly was a completely different description of this thing than what Ivor said it was meant to be. Dangerous... is it some sort of creature...? That thought occupied my mind while she continued speaking.

Founder: "I'll have you know that before I found the Eversource, this world was nothing more than a cluster of pathetic islands in the sky."

Jesse: "How did you and your people even end up here?"

Founder: "I can't remember exactly. The only thing I know is that one day... I went through something... and ever since then, this was the new home I had to accept." So... all these people actually came from our or another dimension and, by some unlucky miracle, entered this world, being trapped here ever since then?

Jesse: "But... if there's a way to enter this world... isn't there an exit somewhere as well?"

Founder: "No... we gave up trying to find it a long time ago."

Jesse: "..." Shit... if there's no exit, then... are we trapped here!? Shit. This really isn't the news I wanted to hear... While I pondered, the Founder, having seen enough from the same empty sky, started heading back inside. The guard urged me to head back as well. While walking back, she made one more remark.

Founder: "Just so you know, I do this for my people. That is why I do what I do. Please don't forget that."

Jesse: "But... do you really need to do this alone? Why can't you work with the people to solve this problem? We can help you!" The Founder sighed.

Founder: "Being the leader of this City... It IS a tiring burden..." The Founder contemplated her decision before changing her answer at the last moment. "But, no. This is my City. These are my people. Sorry, this is my responsibility, and you're still a criminal." I sighed. I tried to understand her as much as possible, but I couldn't make her change her mind. We were back inside, and she sat on the throne once again as I returned to Ivor and Lukas.

Ivor: "Good. Now that you're back, we can talk properly--"

Founder: "Reginald? I've made my decision." The Founder delivered her verdict. "While I'm not convinced that you are here to steal the Eversource, the fact remains that you constructed a bridge of dirt without authorization. That is why you and your companions are to be detained until I can discern the full truth of the matter. Reginald, please remove them."

Lukas: "Wait, what?!"

Reginald: "Yes, ma'am!" Reginald and a few guards came over to escort us out.

Ivor: "This is absurd!"

Jesse: "Oh, c'mon on! I wanted to help you! Don't do this!"

Founder: "I'm afraid this is the way it has to be." My last attempt failed as Reginald pushed me out the door.

Reginald: "Sorry, outsiders, Founder's orders. No changing her mind now." I wanted to get angry, but figured that would only make things worse. So I just looked back dejectedly at the throne room one more time before the doors shut once again.

[Meanwhile - Petra's POV]

After we entered the secret room, Milo showed me around a little.

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