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Okay,  there is way too much to cover but all of it is very important.

Lets start with Brandon. He was our cousin.  I say was because January of this year,  3 days after his 22 birthday he committed suicide. It isn't clear on the reason,  but he hung himself in his parents garage.  The emotional pain was present for most of the month of February.

Other events have taken place but let me update on school, because a lot has happened with it also. If you look back a chapter you will see my grades for last semester, this semester went down differently. Because of the death(and other events) my schooling,  as well as my brother's, lacked quite a bit. I had been failing my English and on the way in a few more classes for a good part of if not half the semester.  I am happy to say that with some special cooperation on my teachers part I have ended the semester with; 1 A in art; 3 Bs in Chemistry, Economics,  and English;  and 2 Ds in Geometry, and Anthropology.  I am rather happy with these grades considering how the year has progressed. 

Lets get personal here. Because of the long times between publishing a new entry I haven't been able to say some important news about my relationship with Garrett,  and trust me this will take a while! First off, he did cheat on me with Shianne, whom I talked to on the phone to confirm.  We broke up remained friends but somehow I am back in a relationship with him... Up until recently we have been strictly online and written letters.  In February Garrett wad actually in Detroit with his father,  so I surprised him after work and went up to meet him for the first time in person.  We met at a McDonald's and it was very nice, he met my mom and dad as well as the two lil ones. We hugged right away and shared a booth by ourselves,  first time holding hands and leaning close to someone whose not family.  We stayed for about an hour before he had to leave. That was only the first meeting,  because he had also invited me up to Alpena for his school dance. I was able to attend when it was held April 18th. He drove and there are plenty of pictures on Facebook,  we went to the dance, which was red-carpet theme.  While at the dance we ate and talked while watching others,  later into the evening,  I received my very first kiss. It was nice but a little bit uncomfortable,  as soon as our lips touched he plunged his tongue in my mouth abruptly,  and I didn't like that, the song that was playing was "Love Shack". After our kiss we shared a few more pleasant ones before deciding to get pictures,  photo booth funnies and a formal picture. A little while later we had a run in with his ex. It was diffused a little while later then we left. He drove me around for a while,  took me through McDonald's where I got a Coke. We both were staying in a hotel,  our rooms side by side so that is where we went after our drive. In honesty the night should have ended with us going to our separate rooms for the night, but his mother encouraged us to talk more, we changed into our Pjs and went to "talk"....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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