Its Been Way Too Long! 03/15

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It has been forever since I have been able to update so this one might be a little long and stretched over a few days so I can fit everything in. To describe in short these past 5 months or so I would say it has been Crazy, Traumatic, Eventful, Fun, and Exciting. It is a lot to take in with some very important lessons and messages learned along the way.

I always start these off with school. How am I doing and what is my future plans. It is bad to report my grades have dropped and I am not doing so well. Part to blame is my job (more to come about that) another part could be my laziness and distractions (life events, family, & Garrett). No matter what you blame it on it hasn't been good. 1st semester I recieved 1A(Art) 2Bs(Am. Lit. & Psychology) & 3Cs(Chemistry, Geometry, U.S. Government). Mom and Dad were not too happy. That is all I am going to report on that front.

Next we will move on to my job. Or should I say Job(s). Brooke got a job where I work (So now we work together, known as "The sisters" by everyone there).

*Didn't Finish*

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