1: Travel to the Past

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Thundering explosions can be heard in the background and a person breathing heavily while looking at a picture in their hands. Six people were running through an apocalypse wasteland as a war was raging on. A capybara mutant has a gun and fires against the enemies just as one of the purple fighter drones comes crashing down and exploding. They were being pursued by what looked like mutated dogs as robots of some kind were attacking the other members of the resistance in the distance. One of them is clutching their abdomen while the other is carrying their weight, running as fast as they can to reach their destination.

"We got you, Sensei. Stay with us." A young teen by the age of 15 said. The teen was wearing a mask and his gear was built for war.

He was carrying an older yet familiar mutant red eared slider turtle. This is Leonardo, age 44. He was injured in battle but he was thankfully rescued by the five young teens. The four others were mutant turtles as well and all were girls but were a mix of four different kinds of turtles.

One of them was a light green red eared slider with silver eyes and the same markings of one. She was wearing a mask of two colors which was blue and a cyan color. She has two weapons. One of them was an odachi and the other was a naginata.

The second was a mix of what appeared to be both an alligator snapping and Leatherback sea turtles. She was wearing a red and bright magenta mask and has a pair of tonfa and says connected by a chain.

The third one was a mix between a spiny softshell and Golden coin turtles. She was wearing a cream and purple mask. Red and blue goggles and a weapon that's familiar which was a bo-staff but has a hidden feature which is two swords connected by a chain.

The last one was a mix between an ornate box and Hawksbill Sea turtles. She has freckles and is wearing a yellow and orange mask and has both a nunchucks and kusari-fundo.

"You're a lifesaver, Casey Jones." Leonardo said with a relief yet pained smile. The teen pressed a button to lift up the mask and reveal his face.

"I learned from the best. Come on, we're almost there." Casey said as they continued running. 

"So far so good." The youngest, Opal, said as she was worried for her uncle and teacher.

They were heading to the fallen statue of liberty. The year was 2044 and an alien race took over it in a matter of days and humanity has been dwindling rapidly and they were the only survivors.

Amethyst didn't see where she was going and tripped over some stones and fell down with a yelp. 

"Amethyst!" Amora shouted and ran back to her but froze when mutant dogs jumped and was about to pounce on them only for a voice to save them as.

"Bad doggies!" An aged and familiar voice shouted as powerful glowing chains stopped the monsters from attacking the teen who scrambled towards the others.

Casey and Leonardo got up as the older slider looked back along with the kids with a knowing smile.

"Just in time, dad." Opal smiled in relief.

"Impeccable timing, little brother. Very dramatic." Leonardo smiled.

In the middle of the chains, 39 year old Michelangelo somehow was floating as he unleashed more chains towards the monsters as an exploding bright golden light shined in their location.

Casey and the young slider, Kiko, sets Leonardo down on a pile of rocks and decaying skulls, the latter grunting in pain as the wise warrior hovers over to see what happened.

"Amora, do you have anything to relieve the pain and stop the bleeding?" Kiko asked her bigger cousin.

"I lost my other medical supplies while we were running. The medical supplies were back in the base which is now overrun by these monsters." Amora said as she took out her last roll of bandages and wrapped it around Leonardo's wound as best as she could as the latter winced in pain.

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