"Y/n, Aria just come back to Nanba peacefully, we are ordered to take you guys back by force if we have to. Please make this easier for all of us." Kiji said.

"Plus Hyakushiki might make your guys lock down longer." Kenshirou said.

"What the hell is lock down?" Y/n asked.

"Us guards will strip you from your weapons and lock you in a empty cell with guards watching you at all times for 48 hours." Samon said.

Y/n looks at Aria and spoke to her in their native tongue. I realized Aria isn't wearing her translator today so his probably translating to her but I have a feeling they'll run for it.

I look at the other guards. "They'll probably run so be ready for that." I whispered to them. They nodded and I looked back to them.

Aria sighed and walked away from Y/n and went over to the van and got inside. Y/n still looked tired from the lack of sleep and the dark circles are still under his eyes.

"Just for the record, we don't regret a thing. So don't expect an apology from us." Y/n said, before he walks past us and went inside the van.

Y/n's pov;
I sit down in the back of the van across from my sister, I leaned against the van. Ever since the wave of relief hit me, the tiredness hit me hard. My eyes got heavy and started closing my eyes and just let darkness take over.


I walk up to a door and opened it. It was B/n's room and I walked inside. I looked around to his room lit up with lights and his tv on. I walked over to his electric keyboard, and I remembered B/n showing me some notes and I pushed down the keys. The notes played out loud.

I hear a chuckle. "You got better at it, big bro." I froze to the voice and I looked over my shoulder to B/n standing there by the door way holding a bottle of Dr. Pepper in his hand. He was wearing basketball shorts and a baby blue tank top, the wound on his chest was gone but the Sliver corner mark was still there under his collarbone. He looks at me with concern. "You okay?" I turned to face him and walked over to him then hugged him and I felt him hug me back. I pull away from him and tears went down my face. "Why you crying?".

I put my hand on his head and ruffled his hair a bit. "I'm just happy to see you, baby brother.".

He smiled. "I'm happy to see you too." He walks around me. "I'm gonna play a video game, you wanna play with me ?".

"Sure," I said, before I walk over to his bed and sat down and played games with my brother.


I open my eyes slowly and found myself in a bed covered up with a fluffy weighted blanket. I look around and I was in a room by myself with Samon and Hajime sitting in chairs at the end of the room. "I guess I'm back at Nanba in lock down." I thought as I sat up and stretched with my back popping in the process.

"Finally up," Samon said.

"You were out cold for a good three hours." Hajime said. I look at them. "Warden's going to be here soon to talk to you.".

"Oh great," I said in a sarcastic tone and laid back down on my back. "Here comes the damn lectures, like I wanna hear that.".

"She isn't going to lecture you." Samon said.

"I'll believe it when I hear it." I said. They didn't say another word. "I'm going to sleep, just wake me up when she's here." I turned away from them and closed my eyes again.

Samon's pov;
An hour has passed since Y/n woke up and went back to sleep. I noticed Y/n slightly shaking in his sleep and I get up from my chair.

"What are you doing?" Hajime asked.

"I think Y/n's having an nightmare, I'm gonna go walk him up." I said, before the door opens and the warden walks in. "Miss Hyakushiki,".

She looks at Y/n. "How is he?".

"He fell back to sleep about an hour ago after waking up. The lack of sleep is hitting him hard." Hajime said.

"I was about to go wake him up, it looks like he's having a nightmare." I said, as I pointed at him shaking.

"Alright," She said.

I walk over to Y/n and he was covered in cold sweat and his breathing got slightly heavier. He mumbled in his native tongue under his breath. The moment I even touched his arm, his eyes shot open and he sat up quickly. I backed away to give him some space.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a nightmare." Y/n said.

"Well the warden is here." I said.

"Oh great," He mumbled, before he took off his blanket and faced us. "Let's get this over with, if you wanna talk then talk. If you're expecting an apology, then you're wasting your time.".

Y/n's pov;
Hyakushiki grabs a chair and brought it close to me and sit down across from me

"First off I'm not mad, I just wanted to talk." She said.

"Get on with it then." I said, as I leaned my back against the wall and crossed my arms.

"I understand B/n's death is hurt you and Aria a lot but you gotta stop killing, if you want your life to normal again then yo-".

I scoffed at her words. "You don't get it do you?".

"What?" She asked.
Hey everyone I hope you guys like this chapter so far!


Any ideas for the next chapter? What would you like the Y/n to say?

Have a good day/night everyone

Nanbaka x Male reader (Zombie apocalypse edition)Where stories live. Discover now