•Chapter 16•

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Hello everyone!! Before getting into chapter I request you all to please vote and comment at the end of the chapter. Your support is highly appreciated.

Love you all!!!!

⚠︎ tw: sexual assault

Amara ate her lunch all alone and then sat on her bed playing a game as there was no service in the middle of nowhere. She laid on bed and stretched her legs over the wall. Music playing in the background. She was enjoying in the bliss of her own company when the door opened and Sydney walked in.

"Where were you" Sydney looked a little disheveled with her messy hair and her top hutton opened.

"Nowhere" she almost tripped over her bed. Amara sensed that there was something wrong and it didn't take her long to guess what it was. Sydney was still standing by the door and Amara was getting off the bed when thick droplets of rain began dropping against the Earth. It had began to rain but inside it was still hot. Amara jumped off the bed.

"You fucked someone" Amara said looking at her secretary accusingly. Sydney who was already distraught was now tongue-tied. She was at lost of words.

"I- uh. No"

"Sydney I know you were with someone don't lie. Just tell me who it was"

"It was Charlotte"

"Dante's cook"

"Yes" Amara rolled her eyes and didn't say anything. But she was still angry.

"Amara why are you angry"

"Maybe because you had your fucking fingers shoved inside my pussy last night" Amara nothing but screamed. Before Sydney could say anything their door pounded loudly.

"Open the door" Jason. What the hell he was doing here amidst this rain and thunder. Sydney shuffled and opened the door and very wet Jason walked in.

"Amara be quick"

"What happened"

"The rain. Dante want to shoot in rain. Come quickly before the rain stops. Wear this" he threw a white linen shirt in her hands and she quickly shuffled to change out of her sweatshirt and into this one.

"Don't wear anything under this. Nothing"

"She will be naked" Sydney interjected. "And when wet it will expose everything"

"This is what Dante wants" Jason and Sydney were still talking when Amara walked out wearing the shirt which covered her hips and stood around her thighs.

"C'mon let's go" as soon as they stepped out heavy rain poured over them wetting them from head to toe. Jason and Sydney stood under the cover of umbrella and so was Dante but Amara was getting wet in rain, shirt clinging to her body as it gets more and more wet until it was nothing but transparent. Puddles of mud water splashed under her feet as she walked to get a spot for herself.

"Look at this beauty" Dante said smiling over Amara. His fingers working on the camera and getting her candid pictures as she tried to play under rain while her feet get stuck in the mud. "I never knew nipples so dark could look so beautiful" his nasty comments made everyone uncomfortable and by everyone it was just Amara and Sydney. Jason was not bothered by Dante and his comments. Amara despite under the chilling cold rain water was hot and bothered under his gaze. He was capturing her with his lustful thoughts and gaze.

"Show your ass Amara. . . Yes"



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