Chapter 16- save him ,great mother

Start from the beginning

Just remember I'll be here for u I'm not that far away if u need me just promise me that I will see u again . 🎶

Jake appears with Neytiri as they look threw the glass watching Bailey they felt sad n worried about her bc she can drive her self to utter madness with so much emotions. Jake was gonna walk in there but she stops him from entering .

Neytiri: let her be she needs this i understand how she feels losing someone that is dear to her *she said looking at them *

Jake: he wanted me to end his suffering I don't think I can do that *he said making a sad face *

Max walks towards them with a clipboard showing it to jake n wat tsuteys conditions are n it was not going they wasn't sure he would make threw the night .

Max: it seems that Bailey doesn't want to let him go..if she keep on like this he will suffer from so much pain even when he dies *he said looking at Bailey threw the glass * if we try an experiment like putting him in the tank we can probably help but without his queue he won't be able to do anything

Jake was upset that the fact his brother Ts'utey won't have a better life not even happiness or anything .

🎶Ewya oh ewyaaaaaaa

My lover my mate n my warrior. 🎶

Bailey cries as she hold his hand she takes off her mask kiss his lips as hers trembles . Max knocks on the glass getting baileys attention having come out the room .

Bailey: so umm *she said wiping her tears away* wat r the options to save him ? *she said trying so hard not to break down *

Neytiri comforts Bailey .

Max: we don't know bc he's suffering n he lost a lot of blood birdie *he said showing her the charts * he might not even survive the night he's chances of surviving is really now..

Bailey: I don't want him to die I want him to see our baby first before he disappears forever *she said looking threw the window *

Norm: did u just say baby ?! *he said looking at her in shock *

Everyone looks at her I surprised .

Bailey: yea I found out my avatar is pregnant mo'at had confirmed it *she said looking up at them * I forgot to tell u I wanted to be a surprise.

Neytiri: so am I *she said touching her stomach *

Jake goes over to Neytiri n touched her stomach n smiled . Bailey started to think about Ts'utey n how he would miss out on their child's life but she don't want him to suffer like this . She had more time to think about her next move on tsutey she thought she could set him free no more pain or anything hoping ewya would help him live but haven't answered any of my prayers just yet .

Jake: Bailey *he said touching her shoulder * we are here for u my sister

Bailey smile as her eyes tear up n hug jake tightly crying . She had to be strong she got the courage to walking into the room max was collecting dna on Ts'utey just in case I wanted to make my family grow . We all gathered around in the room where he was it kills me to do this max unhook the IV that was in his arm n turns off the machine .

Bailey: I love u Ts'utey *she said holding his hand * Dear my love your tsahaylu will still remain ulte ngenga soul sìltsan up to ewya txum protect his soul *she said the last part in na'vi *

The Ts'utey took his finally moments as he's body began to run cold n lifeless. Bailey broke down even more she gets into the large size avatar bed with him n lay next to him .

Norm : we will give u a few minute to say ur goodbyes birdie then we will have some of the na'vi hunters come get his body for a proper burial. *he said with a sad tone *

Everyone leave the room to give Bailey a moment she takes his necklace off his neck n wipes the blood of his face . She took one of her beaded necklace off n place onto him .

Bailey: now we have something apart from each other *she said kissing his cheek goodbye *

She walks out of the room trying to keep calm .

Bailey: norm get my link ready *she head towards her link n waking up in her avatar body *

Later dat they we gather around for funerals for all the falling warriors who died in battle . Mo'at said a few words for Ts'utey who was like a son to her she had me place a seed from the sacred tree onto his body as they Buried him under the tree of souls it was heart breaking for me but I had to be strong for me n my baby .

Bailey: it's been a couple of days since he left us I'm hanging in there especially since I'm going full Navi mother mo'at set it up for me n jake it's gonna be great I'm super nervous *she said into the camera then looked at the time * I don't want to be for my own party isn't that right jake

Jake turns to her n smiles saying goodbye to the camera .

We was laying under the tree of souls head to head with our avatar body as the glowing roots from the tree surrounds us as our soul to begin to go threw the eyes of ewya as my human body became lifeless the eyes of my Navi body opened .

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