Chapter 8~ my ikran

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As days go by I was good at training Ts'utey told me I was ready for my first kill but I was a little nervous. We went threw the basic once again before I made my first kill . We was in the forest it was raining we was tracking  down a viper wolf and feeling nature it self was the best thing for me . I used my bow and arrow to take out of the viper wolf I ran over towards n pulled my knife out n stabbed it .

Bailey: Ohe See ngenga nekx, ulte tsnì. Your tireaioang goes with tsleng, your tsahaylu stays behind to teylu pak of the People.  (I See U Brother and thank u . Ur spirit goes with Eywa  Ur  body stays behind to become part of the People.*she said in Navi *

Ts'utey looks at her and smiles .

Ts'utey: U had a clean kill ur ready *he said with so much approval *

Bailey was so excited she was becoming a hunter n her next step was her Ik ran she couldn't wait to tell everyone. Later that night Bailey woke up in her link opening n sighs she gets up looks in the mirror she looked like she was on the urge of death which wasn't good . She went to shower n it felt relaxing she wanted to stay there forever but it didn't last long she put on some comfortable clothes n went to go eat I looked at jake who looked like crap .

Bailey: omg jake u don't looks so good *she said walking closer towards she sees grace come from the table *

Gace: u look like ur starving come on jake u have to keep ur human body healthy it's not good for u to go come like this * she said crossing her arms *

Jake ignores then n rolled away but he looked in the mirror he looked awful . Bailey heated up some food n sat at the table she also got her some juice she started eating she looks over at grave *

Bailey: I made my first kill today I'm excited Ts'utey said that I'm ready to become a hunter *she said with so much excitement * like im super nervous I get my own banshee !

Jake rolls to the table when Grace sat a burrito down on the table .

Jake: I made a kill as well we ate it *he said eating the burrito *

Grace: I'm so proud of u two especially u birdie , Ur mother would be proud of u so much *she said putting a cigarette in her mouth *

Bailey nods n looks down n start thinking about her mother how much she missed her she shook away the sad feeling n starts eating more food to keep her energy. Norms looks over at Bailey n showed her a book that he found in the back full of pictures.

Grace: But for real jake u look like shit *she said looking down at him * don't be burning out on us now jake !

Jake: Tomorrow we leave for Iknimaya.! *he said Rolling away *

Bailey looks at the photo from the memories of the school . She stopped to look at one photo it was her mother with a Navi boy n it looked like Ts'utey wait it was him a young Navi boy he stilled looked so serious. Jake saw a photo of Grace and the Navi children jake was curious on what happened so he finally got the courage to ask her .

Jake: so what happened at the school ? *he said looking over at Grace *

Grace sighs n looks over at Bailey then back at jake .

Grace: Neytiri had a sister her name was Sylwanin. She was one of my best students but she suddenly stopped coming to school she was angry about the cutting of the trees n everything . A couple of hunters came in all painted up they was very angry n set the bulldozer on fire I thought we could protect them but couldn't they killed Neytiri's sister in front of her in the door way it was terrible n they killed a few others as well baileys mother got shot protecting one but luckily she wasn't badly injured.

His songbird 🎶 - AVATAR Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu