Chapter 5- just around the riverbend

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It's almost the first month for me to make my first kill I was a little bit nervous about it . I never killed anything before lately I've been getting closer with some of the hunters n women around the home tree . I decided to take the children on a field trip to the river it was a beautiful scenery.
Bailey sits down n have the children sit in a cycle with her while she tells about earth a little bit n how some cultures have different environments.

Bailey: how about a song about the river *she said pointing at water n smiles. She pulls a little boat she made for them to get inside * this is called a boat for sailing or for a water adventure!

In the distance there was Ts'utey n some hunters patrolling they stopped as they saw Bailey n some children playing by the water it was funny looking thing they were playing in .  They got a little bit closer they were curious on wat she was doing .

Bailey: alright children let's have a first lesson *she said getting into the water with them n starts humming to get the melody ready . *

🎶 What I love most about rivers is
You can't step in the same river twice
The water's always changing, always flowing🎶

She sang splashing water onto the children as they laugh n giggle .

🎶 But people, I guess, can't live like that
We all must pay a price
To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing!🎶

🎶What's around the riverbend
Waiting just around the riverbend! 🎶

The children was jumping from the boat into the river .

🎶I look once more
Just around the riverbend
Beyond the shore
Where the gulls fly free
Don't know what for
What I dream, the day might send
Just around the riverbend
For me
Coming for me! 🎶

She sang getting into the boat while the wind blew threw her hair . Ts'utey blushed as he saw her face from a distance some of the other warriors loved her beautiful voice .

🎶I feel it there beyond those trees
Or right behind these waterfalls
Can I ignore that sound of distant drumming?
For a handsome sturdy husband
Who builds handsome sturdy walls
And never dreams that something might be coming
Just around the riverbend
Just around the riverbend🎶

The children danced around  in the water trying to push the boat  more into the water as they climbed inside as well with her .

🎶 I look once more
Just around the riverbend
Beyond the shore
Somewhere past the sea
Don't know what for
Why do all my dreams extend
Just around the riverbend?
Just around the riverbend...🎶

Bailey seems to get into her feelings stepping out of the boat n into the water . The children looks at her with curiosity they watched her move gracefully. Ts'utey n the other hunters got close he told them keep quite since he didn't want to disturb them . She looks over there where the sun was reflecting on the water .
🎶 Should I choose the smoothest course
Steady as the beating drum?..🎶
Should I marry anyone ?
Is all my dreaming at an end?
Or do you still wait for me, dream giver🎶

She turns around n touched her chest n sings the last part giving more feeling .

🎶Just around the riverbend?....🎶

Ts'utey eyes widened n some of the hunters felt a lot of emotions . They kids saw him n hurried up n came bck to shore they would they would be scolding for being so far from the home tree . Bailey turns n saw Ts'utey she walks over to him n smiles .

Bailey: I didn't hear u guys I was showing the children about the river an old movie song Ik *she said looking up at him *

Ts'utey: I can see that *he said walking past her then looks at the river * so u skipped training to come out here n sing ? How can u learn the way of the Na'vi if u keep abandoning ur duties .

One of the children walks over towards him a little bit upset.

Lu'tine: it's not her fault we asked mother Mo'at to bring us out here it's not her fault ! N u should be mean all the time *the little girl said with so much confidence but was trembling at the same time .

Bailey: hey it's ok I'm fine *she said touching the child's head * let's head bck to the home tree I got some things I gotta take care of first .

The kids nodded Ts'utey told the hunters escort them bck to the home tree safely. They put the children on the dior horse n leaves heading home .

Ts'utey glared at me lately he's been even more angry ever since me n jake been here I can never get threw to him I walked towards the water n stuck my feet inside .

Bailey: come try it u might feel a little relax *she said looking over at him .

Ts'utey didn't want to at first but does it so they can get bck to their training . He felt the water on his skin he smiles a little bit then looked at her . Bailey moved her hair out of her face n smiles bck . He couldn't wait anymore he told her it was time to train a little more before night fall he was serious he didn't want to waste anymore time on by goofing off they trained until it got dark heading bck to the home she decided to skip the last mean n heads bck to her hammock she closed her eyes n she wakes up in her human . Bailey slowly gets up she saw that Jake was still in his link she felt so awful n tired she needed to take of her body more often .

Grace n norm was sitting at the table going over samples n things I sat down next to them n sighs .

Grace: geez birdie u look like crap *she said putting her cigarette out *

Bailey: tell me about I felt like shit rn *she said with a sigh * n hey norm I need more practice on my language if u don't mind helping me later I'm gonna shower n eat something .

Norm smiles n nods as he watches Bailey walks away . He picks up his pin n finished going over things with grace , bailey took a nice shower feeling relaxed n calm she comes out wearing pjs n grabs something to eat she was eating like she didn't eat for days. Graces watches her carefully making sure Bailey is taking care of her self more. Other than jake was turning into a little slob who was barely giving his avatar a break it's like he was glued to it .

Bailey gets into her link ready to wake up in her avatar . She gets up form her hammock n heads down the tree she stretched a little bit as everyone was getting ready for the day . Mo'at thought it was a good idea to be with Neytiri n jake for the day while Ts'utey went hunting with some of the young hunters . She took them into the forest wearing she teaching them the basic ask she was pointing at her eyes , mouth , ears n nose but Jake wasn't getting any of them right she thought jake was some type of idiot which he was . I was growing to love this place it felt like home only if my mother was here to see it .

His songbird 🎶 - AVATAR Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora