Chapter 2

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Tsukauchi P.O.V.

   I couldn't believe what I just saw. I just missed the culprit. If I was only two minutes earlier I could've caught them.

   "My associates and I will track him down. He may have a head start, but we know what the suspect looks like. It won't take long to figure out his identity."

   "This is horrible. I can't believe such an innocent looking kid could do something like this."

   "We don't actually know if he committed the crime or not. He's only a suspect for now."
   "We need a definitive answer."

   "Yes I know, and all of us will do our best to get to the bottom of this."

   "Thank you, sir."

   "Your welcome, but there is one thing I have to ask of you."

   "What do you need?"

   "I need the tape we just watched. It has to come back to the station with me."

   "Okay. I hope it helps in your investigation."

   "It certainly will, sir. Thank you for your support."

   "It's the least I can do."

   "I need to get going now."

   "Good luck."

   I walked back to the lobby. My partners were all spread out among the building. I decided to radio them to let them all know what had been found.

   "All officers, listen close. We have found video graphic proof of a boy leaving the building around the time of the woman's death.

   We can clearly see the boys most prominent features, so we will be able to figure out who he is.

   I'll be bringing the video to the station to search the data base for the boy. See what all we can find out.

   "Copy that, sir. We will stay here and look for any more clues."


                               No P.O.V.

   Tsukauchi headed towards the station with the tape in hand. Walking down the side walk he bumped into a tall man with long black hair.

   "Hello Eraser. Where are you headed?"

   "I was going to the station. I have to run something by you."

   "You will have to wait a bit Eraser. A new case came up and I am currently working on it."

   "Fine. I can run it by you later."

   "Okay Eraser I'll let you know when I have the time to look at what you needed help on."

   "I didn't need help. Just wanted an opinion."

   "Oh you can just tell me about it now then."

   "It's personal , so I'll talk to you later."

   "Alright then, Eraser."

   Eraser walked off in the other direction. While talking with him Tsukauchi made it to the station.

   "Hey, Nozomi (AN: To my knowledge there is no cop called that, but now there is. I just searched up what means hope in Japanese, so I seriously 'hope' this is okay. See what I did there? I'm hilarious.) can you run this through the system. See what you can find on this boy."

   "Can do, Human lie detector."

   "I told you to stop calling me that."

   "And I have told you that I will never stop calling you it."

  Tsukauchi stayed silent. He knew that no matter what he did Nozomi will never stop. It would take a miracle for that to happen.

   "Wow! This video quality is horrible. The only definite things that I can make out is the boys hair and eye color. Not gonna mention the blood. However Tsukauchi you see how his eyes are glowing in the video?"

   "Yes I do."

   "That indicates quirk use. Either he has a quirk that is used only in his eyes, or using his quirk makes his eyes glow."

   "Why do you say that? It could just be the way the camera is positioned."

   "If it was than it would have happened to at least one other person in the footage, but no one else even has a bit of glow to their eyes."

   "Okay. I'll leave it to you Nozomi to find out more about the boy."

   "Can do, human lie detector."

   The door opened. The police that were investigating the building came back.

   "Did you guys figure anything else out?"

   "Yes. We found out the woman's name, and the name of her son. The woman's name was Inko Midoriya, and her son's name is Izuku Midoriya."

   "Good work. Nozomi compare a picture of Izuku Midoriya and the video to see if it matches."

   "Okie dokie."

   "Did you find anything else out?"

   "Yes. Izuku Midoriya is quirkless."

   Tsukauchi and Nozomi couldn't believe what they just heard. The video shows that he has some type of quirk.

   "Why do you think that?"

   "Some of the residents of the building had said that he was diagnosed as quirkless when he was four."

   "We will have to check his medical records to see if that is true. It could be that he didn't want to show off his quirk."

   "Okay Tsukauchi."

   "Hey Human lie detector."


   "It's a match. The boy in the video feed is, without a doubt, Izuku Midoriya."

   "Okay, good job, Nozomi. I'll go to the hospital to search the medical records there."

   "Good Luck Mr. Lie detector!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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