Part 10

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It had been a day, and as Cus arrived to pick up Goku, she was very happy that Goku would now be with her all the time. But at the same time, she was also worried.

Cus: Hey Goku, now that I think about it, won't you miss your friends and this planet?

Goku: Yes, I did think about that. I've had so many adventures here, made so many friends.

Cus: (sadly) You see, that's why if you want, you can stay here, and we can continue as before.

Goku: (approaching Cus and cupping her face) It's true that I have many memories, but my friends and this planet will always be in my heart. I will never forget them. And besides, what I really want is to be with you, Cus. When you're not around, I feel lonely. My heart always longs for you. You are my happiness, no matter where we are, as long as I'm with you, I'll be very happy.

Cus was taken aback by Goku's words. She couldn't help but blush as they looked into each other's eyes.

Cus: (blushing) I want to be with you too. And it doesn't matter where, I just want to be by your side.

Cus embraced Goku and they shared a passionate kiss that lasted several minutes.

Cus: Well, I think it's time to go.

Goku: Wait a bit, I want to say goodbye to my friends.

Cus: Yes, of course, I'll wait for you.

Goku: (taking her hand) No, no more waiting. Let's go together.

Cus: (blushing) Oh, yes, let's go. (with a trembling voice)

And so, Goku said his farewells to all his friends: Krillin, Master Roshi, Piccolo, Mr. Popo, Master Korin, Bulma, and his eternal rival, Vegeta.

Vegeta: Hmph, you better get stronger, you insect. You still owe me a fight.

Goku: Of course, Vegeta. I'll come back for that fight.

Vegeta: (starting to leave) See you, Kakarot.

Afterwards, Goku took one last look at the planet where he was raised and where he had many adventures. Then, he looked at Cus, the love of his life.

Goku: (smiling) Let's go, my beautiful angel.

Cus: (blushing) Let's go.

Goku and Cus departed for Rumoosh's planet in Universe 10, where a new beginning awaited Goku.

Cus: Look, we've arrived. (pointing to the planet)

Goku: (surprised) Wow, it's huge. (observing a planet similar to Beerus' but with more beautiful places)

Cus: Hehe, now this will be your home, my love. What do you think?

Goku: It's amazing, although I don't care about the place. What matters is that you're always there.

Cus: (blushing) What are you saying?

Rumoosh: Well, it seems you've arrived.

Goku: Yes, sir.

Rumoosh: I think it's time to start your training. Cus, please begin whenever you're ready.

Cus: Yes, sir, as you command.

Cus: Alright, Goku, the first thing we need to do is train your strength and perfect your techniques.

Goku: Yes, let's do it. I'm eager to start.

Cus and Goku spent a long day of training, with Cus pointing out areas for improvement in Goku's fighting style and giving advice on energy management. Hours passed, and it was already starting to get dark.

Goku: (exhausted) What a day, I'm exhausted.

Cus: If you want, I can slow down the pace.

Goku: No, of course not. If you slow down, I'll never become strong.

Cus: (smiling) I knew you'd say that.

Rumoosh: Well, it seems you have the spirit for battles and discipline for training. I made a good choice.

Goku: (bowing his head) Thank you very much for your praise.

Rumoosh: Hmph, well, it's getting late. It's better for you to rest. Cus, please show him his room.

Cus: Yes, sir, as you command.

Cus guided Goku to his room.

Cus: Well, Goku, here it is.

Goku: Thank you, Cus. (kissing her)

Cus: (blushing, hugging Goku) I hope you rest well, my love.

Goku: Yes, of course. See you tomorrow.

Cus: (thinking) I'm so happy, happier than I've ever been before, and it's all thanks to you, Goku.

A few hours passed, and suddenly someone entered Goku's room, lying down next to him silently. Goku, still half asleep, noticed something.

Goku: (half asleep) Huh, what's this?

Cus: (blushing) What are you doing, Goku?

Goku: (surprised) Cus, what are you doing here?

Cus: (blushing) I wanted to be with you. Don't you want me to be here?

Goku: (embracing Cus) Of course, I want to have you close, but Lord Rumoosh prohibited it.

Cus: It doesn't matter. He won't find out.

Goku: Although I admit I wanted you to be by my side.

Cus: Me too.

The two shared a tender kiss, as moonlight entered the room, illuminating them as they gazed into each other's eyes, lost in their thoughts as if time stood still.

Cus: You're finally here. It's like a dream.

Goku: Really, my beautiful angel?

Cus: Yes, I always dreamed of having you here with me.

Goku: Well, now it's not a dream anymore. Let's just live in the moment.

Cus: I love you so much.

Goku: I love you too, my love. More than my own life.

Cus: (blushing, hiding in Goku's chest) I want you to always be close to me.

Goku: (embracing Cus) Of course, my love. Now, let's sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day.

Cus: (thinking) I'm so happy, happier than I've ever been before, and it's all thanks to you, Goku.

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