Part 7: Jean

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  I was walking out of the city. I chose to go on the left path. I liked the woods. I noticed there was a ruffling in some leaves. I look at them to see a red. I peek in the bushes to see a very familiar face. A Pyro Abyss Mage. Uh oh. I hadn't brought my sword along, so I only had my vision and my fists. I make a little tornado within my finger tips and let it expand when I let it go. The Abyss Mage had it's shield up, so it didn't do much, but crack it a little. I notice a big red claymore in my peripherals and jump to my left letting Diluc smash through the shield. I then, blow wind at the Mage and send it flying.
  It makes some laughing sounds. Diluc tries to hit it with Pyro, but the mage gets up and disappears.
"Diluc?!" I yell surprised, yet happy to see him, but also a little mad
"Um... hey," He says with a guilty sense, "sorry."
"It's fine, thanks though," I say realizing that he saved me.
"Oh- uh... your welcome," he spits out

  We talk and walk home. When we walk inside there was a hole in the spot where the couch used to be. Klee was standing beside it.
  "Hello Master Jean," she smiles
"Klee!" I yell trying to be patient. Diluc groaned behind me, upset from the hole in his floor.
"Un-Uncle Kaeya said you would appreciate it, that there were creepy crawlies under the couch!" She tries to reason
  "Kaeya..." Diluc says angrily and stomps off
"Great..." I sarcastically say, "Klee, now you've made Uncle Kaeya and Diluc fight."
"I-I'll escort myself to solitary confinement..."
"For 5 hours, it was mostly Kaeya's fault, but you still shouldn't have done it,"
"Oh-! Okay!" Klee says excited and runs off to confinement

  I start to think of what to handle first. The hole in the floor? No, that wouldn't be handled for at least a week. My wall should be fixed in about a day or two, so Diluc and I could stay there. Anyway, right now I need to handle Diluc and Kaeya. I sprint out the door trying to find them all over town. I ask around.
  "Ugh! No one knows where they ran off!" I complain to myself
"I think I do!" A peppy voice says
"Hm?" I look up from my seat I sadly sat in. It was Amber
  "Yeah! Diluc and Kaeya ran off to around the Church!" She says hyper
I get up, "Thank you, Amber. I'll talk to Varka about giving you a bigger outrider position," I run quickly
  I hear Amber squeal of joy. As soon as I get to the Church I see Kaeya with a busted lip, a bloody nose, and his knee was cut open, while Diluc just had a scratch on his eyebrow. Neither of them had weapons, but somehow Diluc had beaten the crap out of Kaeya, honestly I am not surprised.
  I run over to them, noticing the crowd around. Why haven't any Knights come to break it up. That's when I look and some of the crowd members were frightened Knights, well that is just great. I rush to the front getting pushed and shoved.
  "Excuse me," I say, "Sorry."
I continue to apologize. I push and shove them back, it felt like 50 million hours until I get to the front.
  "Diluc! Kaeya!" I yell at the top of my lungs to gain the two fighters attention. They both stop and stare at me.
  "Before you both kill each other," I pause, "or Diluc kills Kaeya..."
  "Well that's not very nice," Kaeya stated
"Anyway, you two need to stop, and you are both fighting in front of the Church of Favonious! For Archons sake, I am disappointed in both of you. Just go..."
  Kaeya steps on Diluc's foot on purpose and Diluc tries to hold back his anger. He takes a deep breath and goes somewhere else. I grab Kaeya by the upper arm as he walks by.
  "This is not a game anymore. If you don't have a death wish, I recommend stopping whatever you're trying to do now," I threaten
  "You gonna try to kill me or something?" He says intoxicated and beaten
  "Not me..." I walk away from the conversation annoyed of Kaeya and feeling bad for Diluc. I should've been upset with them both, but a part of me said it was all Kaeya's fault. I knew deep down Diluc shouldn't beat Kaeya like that, but then I also knew Diluc was holding back.
  I didn't know who to talk to first, but I knew I needed to have a talk with them both. That was reckless what they did. They should've talked it out or something, that wasn't so violent. I couldn't believe it. Well, I could. Diluc hated Kaeya, because, well it's not hard. Kaeya is the younger sibling who loves to annoy the older sibling. Barbara could be like that. So. Much. Singing. Yes, I know she has that cute voice everyone loves, but when you hear it, everyday. It gets annoying.
  I decide to find Diluc, because I didn't really want to scold Kaeya until later. I continue to search. After looking over all of Mondstadt I start to search the rooftops. I notice a man in a white mask with brown trim. He had this powerful essence.
  I approach him and sit beside him.
"The Dandelion Knight and the Darknight Hero," I mock our titles together
"Huh? Oh- Jean..." He says staring off into the distance
"Why'd you beat up Kaeya so bad?" I question
"I'm just annoyed with him," he stated
"No, you're always 'annoyed' with him," I reason trying to lead into a conversation
"What are you trying to say?"
"Something else had you really mad," I state putting some dots together, " I mean you have really good investigative skills, I'd be sort of upset if you didn't already find it out. They set me up. The knights wanted me to find someone... they didn't know who, except for Kaeya and Lisa. Those two are trying to get us together,"
  "Yeah... I figured, but I wasn't so sure."
"Mhm... Varka gave me that month off to find someone to hold me back from so much exhaustion. Kaeya told Klee to throw a boom boom at my wall. Then, Kaeya and Rosaria figured I'd need a place to stay, but it just so happens to be that season when everyone is taking a vacation to Mondstadt for some reason. They knew I'd end up somewhere and you'd help me out or something. After that, Kaeya somehow, found out what we planned, so now, Barbara knows. People are shipping us. Everything is so weird." I explain the whole scenario
  "You sure you're not an investigator?" Diluc chuckles. I rest my head on his shoulder.
  "Better go before someone finds you out," I get up and run off

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