Part 5: Jean

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  Diluc and I had a marvelous night. Never before would I have thought Diluc Ragnvindr would've attracted me. I can't even believe I had such a good night. I want to do it again so bad. At least, I was living in his house for now.
  That night I slept on his couch. It was surprisingly very comfy. I woke up and wasn't even sore. I wanted to train today, but I know Diluc will be like, "you better rest," or use Grand Master Varka's words against me. I hate to admit it, but he was right. I did need to rest. I haven't had, but one break since the Dvalin incident. Grand Master Varka, wasn't even there and I was the Acting Grand Master. I was working even harder than I am now.
"Sorry about last night," Diluc apologizes when he comes into the living room.
"Why? I enjoyed it and look forward to doing it again," I say smiling
"Oh- well, you can come by any time. Just maybe not when Rosaria or Kaeya is around." He says
"You know what I think?" I say perking up
"Hm?" He questions while making some coffee
"Those two have a thing,"
"What? Rosaria and Kaeya... wait actually, you might be right. Those two hang out in the bar a lot,"
"Knew it," I look at him with a, Imma genius, look.
  "If we are gonna be talking about lovers, I am pretty sure, Venti likes Aether," Diluc says sipping his coffee
"I think I've noticed that too," I say recalling whenever Aether was around Venti. Venti would go from, so drunk he couldn't walk or talk to, I'm a god, I hope you know that I have power! May the winds bless you.
  "One time he showed Aether how to complete an exorcism," Diluc continued
"Where was Lumine?" I curiously wonder a loud
"In Liyue or something with some friends,"
"What would that call be like... 'hey Aether how are you?' 'Venti showed me how to complete an exorcism'," I joke
  Diluc laughs. Haha! I made him laugh. For some reason that made me feel good. Diluc was nice if you got to know him. Diluc then takes out his phone to look at something.
  "Check Aethers status," he says kind of serious. I check Aethers status and it was
"Taken by the wind,"
  You can't even overlook it. They're actually a thing. I held in a laugh, but I just couldn't hold it. I busted out laughing. Diluc started laughing. We both laughed for a minute, then we stopped.
  "Wanna watch, 'Whats going on in Teyvat'?" I ask scooting over to the left of the couch
"Sure," he says sitting on the couch. He starts to sit down on the right. I moved an inch to the right. Soon enough we had been watching the show for 5 hours and I was mid way towards him.
  "Wanna watch this new movie?"
"What is it?"
"A surprise," Diluc was bad at flirting. I knew there was a new scary movie. He knew I didn't like them. I don't care how fake they are. They are scarier than any real life scenario. I'm joking. They don't scare me, but Diluc doesn't know that. He turns it on and they do the first kill. It was a slasher. Ugh, these annoy me. The stupid decisions the blondes make. I use this as an excuse to grab Diluc. Hahaha. I'm so smart. I grab Diluc, hugging him. He wraps one arm around me. Mwahaha, I'm so good at this relationship thing.
  "You had this whole thing planned didn't you?" He asked smirking down at me. He had his hair down, a white tee and black gym pants. I had on my "Welcome to Liyue" shirt, and blue running shorts with teal lining. I had on white socks.
  "Mhm," I say watching someone get stabbed to death on the movie, "Oh no, I'm so scared, Diluc save me!" I say sarcastically, "or should I say... Darknight Hero."
  He looks at me surprised, "How'd you know?"
"It was easy. Don't worry, I won't tell," I giggle continuing to watch the movie. We both ended up dozing off. We had spent an entire day watching bad TV and movies. That's great. Well, at least, I'm not drunk and throwing up and Kaeya is not taking photos. I personally think it went great.

  We got up on the morning. I woke up first, because I'm very used to it. I lightly tapped Diluc's chest.
  "Hey, wake-" then there was a knock at the door. He wakes up.
"Who's that?" He asks very tired
  "Hey Diluc? Wait... who's that?" I heard Kaeya's voice from outside
Diluc's eyes widen and he mouths, "hide" and I quickly get up, hide my suitcase and go into the bathroom.
  I hear Diluc open the door.
"What do you want?" Diluc asks annoyed of Kaeya randomly showing up
"Don't kill me, but look how good these photos turned out," he hands the photos or something over to Diluc
"Why are you giving me these?" Diluc questioned Kaeya
"I just have no reason for them," Kaeya answers
"Ugh, go somewhere else," Diluc tries to get Kaeya to leave, but I hear footsteps come into the house.
  "Who's been here?" Kaeya wonders noticing the couch out of order.
"No one, I was watching a movie last night," Diluc says
"By yourself? That seems rather lonely, now doesn't it, Jean?"
"She's not here. She's gone." I hear Diluc try to hide my presence
"I'm a knight, you think I'm that easily fooled. I'm insulted," I hear him grab a blanket off my suitcase, "is she hiding in the bathroom? Honestly Jean that's so basic, I'm surprised you pulled it," he bust open the door. I make a guilty face and rub the back of my head.
  "Hey Kaeya, what a pleasant surprise," I try to laugh it off
"Why is Jean at your house?"
"Kaeya I told you, her wall was blown up by Klee, someone you should've been watching," Diluc guilts him
"Uh- I feel attacked, this is so mean. I should tell a sister, she'll know what to do,"
"Don't you even think of telling Barbara, Kaeya," I say
"Don't wanna be mean to a knight,"
"I am your superior and I am ordering you to not tell Barbara," I command
"Fine, but I promise nothing," he says then walking out.

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