Part 3: Jean

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  I lay on my couch with a massive headache. I wonder how Diluc's doing. I think for some reason. I liked Diluc, as a FRIEND. He only helped me, because he didn't want me to die! We're friends, not lovers! Well, matter of fact, we're barely even friends. He's cute though. I mean... never mind. This was a one time thing. He probably won't even walk by my house again.
  I hear my stomach growl. Well that's nice. I barely open my curtain and my head hurts so much. I look around for the closest things I could find great for a hangover. I see a hoodie, sunglasses and sweatpants. I throw on my grey tennis shoes and head outside. The sun was bright even with the very tinted glasses. The hoodie helped some.
  I went to Good Hunter and bought a chicken skewer. I sat down and brought out a book I've been too busy to read. Diluc then walks by and notices me. He walks towards me.
  "You doing any better?"
"Do I look better?" I shoot back
"Okay... just checking on you, chill," he looks around sort of nervous, "Kaeya thinks we did something last night."
"Me and you...?" I would never do that to Diluc! It's insanity that Kaeya would think that! I am Jean the Conditional Grand Master. Not some homey hopper.
"I can't believe it!" I whisper, in a harsh yelling voice, "You led him to believe this."
  "Uh- me?! You're the one getting drunk, I was being a good person."
"Ugh," I look down my face blushing from the reminder he was at my house last night.
"Also, uh... why'd you drink so many drinks anyway? You're not used to that and you're responsible," he asked me the question that even I don't have the answer to. I was kind of upset about the whole break thing, and Diluc made me want to drink more, but I didn't like him.
  "I just did, get your nose out of my business," I snap back
"Fine, but if Kaeya asks you anything, just tell him that I was returning a favor. Bye," he walks off
  "What an interesting interaction," I hear a calm voice, it was Lisa
"Hey, Lisa," I say looking at her. She had on purple leather pants and a black crop top. She had a chain from her pants holding her vision.
"Do you and Diluc have a thing going?" Lisa dares to ask
"Uh- No! Why would you think that?" I almost yell
She sits down on a chair crossing her legs
  "I overheard your little conversation a moment ago, but before that matter. Did Varka send you on break?"
"Yeah, but it's fine. I probably needed it," I sigh
"You did need it." She says sternly
"Ugh, I know, but why are you here? It's 9 in the morning, shouldn't you be at the Knights headquarters?"
"Taking a day off, the Akademia is asking me to come back. I'm not going to, but it's an excuse to go back to Sumeru," she smiles at me, "Well, I've got to go. See ya Jean,"
She gets up, smiles, waves and walks away. Can I catch a break? My head was hurting really bad, so I decide to go home.
  When I enter my house Klee was inside watching tv.
"Klee?" I question
"Jean!" She runs over and grabs my leg.
"Klee, how did you get into my house?"
"Ummmm..." she releases my leg kicking the ground. I walk in a little more noticing the hole on the side of my house.
"Klee." I look down at her giving a stern look
"I-I wanted to see you..." she continues, "Fine... I'll escort myself to solitary confinement..."
  She runs out the door. I can't believe it. What am I going to do? I sit on my couch, but then realize the entirety of Mondstadt could see me if they wanted. I go to my room, and pack a bag of clothes. I had two pairs of shoes, my ribbon high heels and flat slip ons. Four regular shirts, a dressy shirt (I washed the sky blue one). I also packed one pair of running shorts, two pairs of denim shorts, and one pair of black leggings. I just packed the rest of my outfit from the night before (I swear I washed it). That was it. I put the bag around my back, realizing how heavy it was. I decided to switch it over to a suitcase.
  I walk around finding an inn.
"What do you mean every room's taken?"
"They're all taken," the guy says kind of annoyed, "Now go find another one or sleep in the janitors closet."
"I may be back," I say walking away. I wanted to flip him off so bad. I go to the Cat's Tail to get something to eat.
  It wasn't as good as I thought it'd be. I got a cat hair in my mouth. I just left thinking of the people I could go to. Varka? No. Lisa? Out of town. Amber? Too young. Barbara? Lives at the church. Kaeya? Oh heck no. Welp, maybe I could go with Diluc, but that would be too weird. Klee why did you have to do this to me!? I think of the knights I could stay with. Honestly my brain was like, take this as an opportunity to go to Diluc's house! But, my body was like, woman don't you dare. My gut was entangled with butterflies. A lot of them.
  I ended up at Angel's Share.
"What are you doing here again?" Diluc says staring at me
"Well, I need a place to stay..."
"You're not staying at a bar,"
"Then, can I go to yours?"
"Out of town."
"There goes your only friend..." he looks down cleaning a bottle.
"Please, Diluc," I beg
"Can't you get an inn?"
"I've tried,"
"Ugh, fine, but you better be out soon."
  "Ha, thats funny. Imagine Klee coming into your house... now imagine no living room wall to the outside world,"
"She blew up your wall?"
"Yes, that child is in solitary confinement again," I explain
"Fine, stay however long you need. You know you're very needy," he smirked at me
"Yeah yeah, thanks," I walk out of the tavern

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