꒰ঌ fallen angel ໒꒱ - part one

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Noah finds a fallen angel named Icarus in a park one night, and takes him home. They fuck. Just read it lol

Notes: ftm gets fucked by cis guy, wing play (??), bratty sub x dom, cis guy POV, ownership kink, objectification kink (idfk bro), cum flavor description (help i have sm summer work i should be doing)

Lmk if u want a part two :) And pls vote!


I was walking home when I saw him. I did a double take at first: It was 3 am, I was tired, and it was dark. How was I supposed to believe what I was seeing when I was probably just exhausted? But I looked again, and there was no mistaking what I saw.

Wings. And they were fucking huge.

They shimmered in dappled moonlight, so bright and white that it seemed like they glowed from within. They were made of a variety of feather sizes, each one delicate and smooth, but there were so many the wings looked far too heavy to carry. They were folded, the tips dragging over the grass of the park's small field. My first instinct was to run: What kind of giant killer bird would wings like that be attached to? But then the wing-bearer turned around, and I sucked in a gasp.

It was a boy. He couldn't have been taller than 5' 2" and his folded wings reached up to his ears. Dark curls of short hair framed his face and something was tied around his neck. He was shirtless, but that was all I could see because he had folded his wings around the front his hips to cover his front. Which meant he was probably naked. Fuck.

When he caught sight of me, he smiled a smile to rival the brightness of his glistening wings. And started to walk over to me. I still was frozen in place, stunned to have caught the attention of this heaven-worthy creature. He stopped when he was a couple feet away.

"Hello," he said, giggling, and cocking his head like a bird might. Was he a bird? Shit, I must have passed out...

"I can promise that you are quite awake," he said, responding to my thought. "And no, I am not a bird. I am a Gift."

"For who?" Seriously, that was all I could come up with? As a mind-reading, winged boy stood in front of me? He laughed, supposedly hearing my jumbled stream of consciousness. His laugh was light, and sounded like stars.

"You, I suppose. Since you have found me, I am yours," He told me, looking me up and down. "I certainly could have had a worse Receiver." He seemed completely unfazed by this whole situation, but I guessed he would be, coming from whatever foreign place produced gorgeous men with giant wings. I swear I saw his cheeks darken through the cover of night at that last thought. He looked down at his feet, then up at me through his thick, long eyelashes. 

"You have your Gift. Now, what will you do with me?" he asked. Now I was the one who blushed.

"But you aren't a thing, you're..." I didn't know what he was. An angel?

"I am an angel. I'm also a Cupid's Arrow. Arrows become Gifts when Cupid sends us to Earth, and Bows make matches between humans. When Cupid decides a human needs a match but doesn't have another human to pair them with, they are paired with a Gift. I'm your gift. I'm yours." It took me a minute to process that, and when I did, I noticed what the thing around his neck was. A red ribbon, tied in a bow. Like he was gift-wrapped. For me.

"You're mine," I said, still awestruck. He stepped forward, so his toes almost met the tips of my sneakers.

"Yes," he breathed, looking up at me. "How will you use me, Receiver?" I almost choked on nothing. Why did he have to say things like that?

"Use you? Do you want to be used?" I asked him. He looked at my mouth.

"I do. Cupid wouldn't match me with someone who wouldn't take care of me. He watches out for his Arrows. I trust him enough to trust you. Now, do you want to use me?"

smut oneshots: ftm guys x cis menOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz