A couple light grunts escape Sudou's mouth, before he takes his hand off my shirt.

"Ugh." He grunted again, rubbing his wrist. "Fine, but whatever he's doing better be worth it. Or I'm coming after you." He walked away.

Ike and Yamauchi move towards Sudou. Hirata, Horikita, Kei and Matsushita move towards me. The rest of the class disperses into their usual groups.

"Sorry, I should have put a stop to that." Hirata spoke apologetically.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, If a fight had started, I wouldn't be the one to worry about." I say, shooting a glance to Sudou's direction. He is still rubbing his wrist.

Maybe I overdid it a little.

"You think you can take on Sudou-kun?" Horikita questioned. "I won't deny your abilities, but even if you won - there is no way you'd come out completely unharmed."

"I wonder about that..." Said Matsushita, looking at Sudou's hand - that just left his wrist.

"Even if you had the situation under control..." Kei said, and punched my arm not-so-lightly "Don't make me worry."

"Yeah, yeah, sorry." I sighed "It seems that -other than Sudou- everyone took it well enough."

"So, Ayanokoji-kun," I turned my head to Hirata as he spoke"You said this was planned, so even though Koenji-kun was part of the group you had gathered - there won't be an issue with that, right?" He asked, slight hints of worry visible on his face.

"It's alright, you can ask Horikita and Matsushita to confirm." I said, to which they both nodded.

As we were talking, Miyake and Hasabe walk up to us.

"Hey" Miyake spoke "The spot is resetting in a couple of minutes. Should we gather everyone?"

I nodded. "Alright, do that. Thanks for informing us."

He gave a nod and walked away, starting to gather everyone.




After reclaiming the spot with the newly appointed leader, I covered the machine with a bag and told everyone to turn around.

"Why do that?" Someone asked.

"If someone comes and tries to look at when we will be reactivating the spot, they won't be able to. So we can be sure there won't be anyone spying on us. And I have already taken note of the time on my watch, so we will know, but any bystanders won't." I explained.

It seems I answered all their questions.

"Now, I want to hold a meeting with the people I chose earlier."

I walked off to a more secluded area and waited for the rest to arrive.

"Alright, we're here." Miyake spoke.

"It's about Ibuki-san, right?" Matsushita said.

I nodded.

"But didn't you say it's fine for her to stay?" Yukimura questioned

"It is fine, but that doesn't mean we'll have our guard completely down." They nodded "So, we have to make sure that the girls don't have the keycards during the night, at the very least."

I walked up to Horikita and gave her Koenji's card.

"You all will be exchanging the card randomly, walking up to the one who has it and ask to take it, giving it to someone else when you have it. All these are valid options. Don't give the card to me unless I ask, and I will give the card to someone else later." I explained "Any questions so far?"

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