V1 : Chapter 9

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Ayanokoji POV

It was now Monday, and I was waiting in the dorm lobby for Karuizawa, as we will be walking to school together.

The weekend was nothing special.

Sure, there was the 'date' with Karuizawa, but other than that nothing really happened.

As I was recalling the events of the weekend, the elevator doors opened and out came Karuizawa, in a bit of a rush, seeing that classes started in less than 15 minutes.

"Sorry, I overslept a bit. hehe." She finished with an awkward laugh.

"I don't mind. Shall we go?" I asked to which she nodded and took hold of my left arm. She was rewarded with a confused look for her actions.

"We are dating, it's natural. Why? Are you embarrassed~?" She tried to tease me.

"Not embarrassed, just surprised."

We then went towards the school, gaining a few looks form other students on the way. Some curious, some jealous, some respectful. A mix of everything really.

Entering the classroom together, we were almost instantly the center of attention. Going to our respective seats, we were immediately surrounded by classmates.

Karuizawa's friends on her desk, while Hirata, Miyake and the idiot trio on mine.

"Dude what is the relationship between you two?" Ike was the first to ask.

Before I could answer though, a collective scream came from the girls.

"WHAT?!" Guess the same topic was being discussed.

"We are dating."


Ike and Yamauchi were now on the floor, crying and muttering "I wanted to be the first" over and over again.

Miyake raised his fist for a fist bump, which I accepted.

"Respect, man."

"Congrats Ayanokoji-kun." Hirata said.

"Yeah, good for you." Sudou spoke.

The conversations quickly stopped as sensei came into the room, signaling the start of homeroom.

During lunch, I went with Karuizawa, Hirata and the others to the cafeteria. Once we sat down the main topic of conversation was, of course my and Karuizawa's relationship.

"When you two said that you were interested in someone, that was not what I expected." Satou said.

"A surprise, sure, but a welcome one. As long as everyone's happy, that's all that matters." Hirata.

"Though I never expected Ayanokoji-kun to be the one who confessed." Matsushita spoke.

"Keeping this type of feeling hidden for too long can take a toll on a person. So as soon as I realised that I like her, I asked her out. Simple." I spoke.

"We'll it's not like I wouldn't have asked. I just thought it may have been better to do it after the midterms. Not that I'm complaining, though." Karuizawa said her side of the story.

The conversation then moved on to other topics, and continued till lunch was over and we made our way back to class.


 It has been a couple of days since Karuizawa and I's relationship was revealed to our classmates, since then we have been acting close with each other and walking to school together every day.

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