Chapter 2 Talent Showcase

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Rong Mian was really hungry.

He thought he could endure until the last moment of the dinner, but by coincidence, there was a big aquarium in the private room, with many fish swimming in it, and one of them was really fat and big.

It's lively.

The scales are fiery orange, the tail is long and powerful, like a flame boiling in water, Rong Mian knows that its meat must be fresh and chewy.

He imagined that the moment his teeth pierced the fish's tail, there would be fresh juice bursting in his mouth, and he felt his stomach convulse uncontrollably.

Rong Mian was very hungry, he wanted to catch fish, and even more wanted to eat fish.

He has already learned how to socialize and live as a human being, and he only wants to play his role well in the entertainment industry, where human beings are intriguing and intriguing, and do this job safely.

But until now, adapting to the human diet has always been the most difficult hurdle for him.

Rong Mian's mouth is greedy, but in fact, he can swallow two green vegetables by force, even a boiled potato, because what is unpalatable is not the food itself, but the way humans season it.

For example, all the dishes in this meal today have chili peppers.

Fortunately, before the dinner, Rong Mian made some preparations for herself in advance.

While the people in the box were chatting and laughing, Rong Mian secretly took out the can from the bag and hid it in the wide pocket of her hoodie.

He took a spoon from the door and slipped into the bathroom.

Rong Mian never cared about the place of eating, as long as it is not discovered by others.

So after entering the toilet, he stood by the sink, clumsily hooked the ring with his index finger, and opened the can.

The edge of the aluminum can clasp was a little sharp, Rong Mian frowned and curled up her fingers.

Then he scooped up a small bite of the fish with his spoon, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it.

It is familiar, delicious tuna taste.

Rong Mian was a little happy.

He just hung his head and devoured several mouthfuls. The fish meat was cold, but Rong Mian ate it very delicious, because this can happened to be his favorite mixed flavor of tuna and prawn.

Occasionally, Rong Mian narrowed his eyes when he ate very chewy shrimp meat.

--However, at the moment when he bit the spoon and raised his head, Rong Mian met the eyes of the man standing behind him through the mirror.

Zhong Yi was really dumbfounded this time.

In fact, holding a spoon and going to the toilet are just two common behaviors in daily life. If you look at them separately, neither seems to be a big problem.

But if these two things collided by coincidence-going to the toilet with a spoon, Zhong Yi was stunned for a while and couldn't think of the second possibility.

Zhong Yi still made mental preparations at the door for a long time.

Fortunately, as soon as he pushed the door open, he saw a figure next to the sink. Zhong Yi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but when he looked closely, he realized that he had relaxed too early.

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