He sighed and spoke to the long haired blonde. "Sasha! Don't forget about tomorrow... Don't let your emotions take over." Grime said. Sasha looks at him and sighed. "I won't, I won't let these emotions take over..." Sasha said.

Grime smiles and spoke. "Good... Now, get some sleep, Lieutenant... We have a world to conquer!" Grime said. He then went into his room, leaving Sasha alone by herself. Sasha sighed and spoke. "Anne, Marcy... I'm sorry... But I hope you two understand." Sasha said. She then went into her room and went to bed.

Anne and Marcy were in The Planter's downstairs bathroom, they were changing out of there band outfits and got into their pajamas. "Man, Marcy! Tonight was amazing!" Anne said in excitement. "Yeah... It was... Great..." Marcy said in a depressed tone.

Anne saw Marcy's expression and the tone of her voice, Anne then placed her hand on her shoulder. "Marcy? Are you okay?" Anne asked. Marcy looked at Anne and changed her expression. "Oh! Yeah! I'm fine, Anne! No need to be worried about me!" Marcy said in her normal tone.

"Okay?" Anne said in confusion. "Anywho, we need some sleep, Anne! We need to rest if we're going home tomorrow!" Marcy said. Anne was conflicted, Marcy wasn't acting normal. "Yeah..." Anne said. Marcy saw Anne's expression and spoke.

"Anyways! Goodnight, Anne! See you tomorrow!" Marcy said as she exited the bathroom. "Yeah... Goodnight..." Anne said. Anne saw how Marcy was acting... She wasn't acting normal, Marcy never acts like that.

Anne saw there was something wrong with Marcy, and whatever it was... She was hoping she could help her with it. Anne sighed and exited the bathroom, only to see Polly, standing in front of the door, which caught Anne by surprise as she yelped in shock.

"Oh! Hey, Polly..." Anne said as she was frightened by Polly's presents. "Okay! I knew you were tense, Anne... But I never knew you were this tense." Polly said. Anne raised an eyebrow in confusion on what Polly means by that.

"What do you mean?" Anne asked. Polly sighed and spoke. "Didn't you see how sad Marcy looked when you acted weird to Sasha?" Polly asked. Anne was surprised by that. "Wait? Is that why she was sad, she was sad about me and Sasha getting closer?" Anne asked.

"No! She wasn't sad about that! It was like you were flirting with Sasha, that made Marcy jealous!" Polly said. Anne was confused as she raised an eyebrow. "What? I wasn't flirting with Sasha. Besides, if Marcy was jealous, why would she be acting..." Anne said before she stopped.

Anne realizes why Marcy was sad and upset, the realization hit Anne like a spending train. "Oh..." Anne said as a blush appeared on her face. Anne's heart flutters at the realization, Polly smiles. "There she it..." Polly said as she's glad to see Anne has figured it out.

"Now! You're going to go talk to Marcy about this! Now get some sleep, soldier!" Polly said. Anne then frowns and rubs the back of her neck. "Okay..." Anne said. Polly then left Anne as she went upstairs, Anne sighed and slides down the bathroom door.

Marcy has... Feelings for her? Anne curled up and leans against the door, Anne never knew Marcy had a crush on her. Marcy always was caught up in her games and fantasy puzzles, the thought of having a boyfriend or girlfriend never concerned Marcy... At least is what Anne thought...

Anne sighed, Marcy had a massive crush on her, Anne didn't know how long Marcy had theses feelings, but it must have been for a long time. Anne sits up and goes down into her bedroom, she lays down on her bed and closes her eyes.

After a few hours, Anne was still awake, she tried to fall asleep. "C'mon! Sleep..." Anne groans as she tossed herself around in her bed. Anne tried to fall asleep, but she was unable to do so not after finding out that Marcy... Loved her.

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