Chapter 7

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Bill is in his office going over documents. He knows that Liam has been to the office because all of his work is done. He keeps trying to make up with his son, he feels like he is slowly warring him down. After he was shot and thought that Liam had shot him they started talking a little bit more. But Liam is still angry with him, Bill doesn't blame him. But he was hoping to run into Liam today, since Liam screwed up so much in his personal life he was hoping he could forgive Bill a little easier. Liam has been staying with Wyatt since Steffy kicked him out, it's only a matter of time before he is moved in with Hope since Steffy won't give him another chance.

While Bill is deep in thought he doesn't notice Steffy standing there until she knocks on the door. Bill looks up at the stunning brilliant woman standing before him. Every time she gets further out of his mind every feeling comes rushing back the moment he sees her. She has such an elegant graceful presence. He tries to purge the thoughts out of his head, he is trying to reconcile with his son. "Steffy, to what do I owe the pleasure."

Steffy's serious gaze goes unchanged, "You have something I want."

Bill feels his pulse quicken, he feels like he is about to pass out. "S-something you want?"

Steffy still with her poker face, "I want my Forrester shares and I want them now."

Bill feels the disappointment wash over him. He knows his son would have never forgave him, but if Steffy were to give him a shot, he would not pass on that opportunity. He gathers his thoughts before speaking, "Why would I give those up?" He says meeting her intense gaze. He could tell she is playing chess with him, she is the only woman in his life that could go toe to toe with him. That's why he has always been attracted to her, she knew how to play the game as good if not better than him.

"Because they don't belong to you," Steffy says coldly, "The only reason you have those is because my grandfather couldn't keep it in his pants. He was a fool."

Bill was surprised to hear Steffy say anything negative about Eric, "Yeah, he's not exactly the smartest business man. He should have made Donna sign a prenup."

A slight smile creeps across Steffy's lips, "Exactly, I had one. They're great."

Bill was wondering why his employees said Liam was in such a bad mood. Bill looked back up at Steffy, he had a decision to make, his son, or the most perfect woman in the world. After a moment he speaks up, "I'll give them to you," He pauses as he makes intense eye contact with Steffy, "If you marry me."

Steffy keeps his gaze and her poker face, "That's not going to happen Bill. There was once a time that I thought that could happen, but that time is long gone."

Bill feels his heart drop to the pit of his stomach, hearing how she once thought they could be together. He wonders if he can push her into it. How much were these Forrester shares worth to her. "Do you want the shares or not?"

"Not this way, besides Bill is that how you'd really want me? As a prisoner in your delusion of a marriage?"

Bill thinks for a moment. No that's not how he would want Steffy, she had so much fire in her, he would not want to be the one to extinguish that. To cage the phoenix that she was. He meets her intense gaze once again, "No, I would not want that." He takes a deep breathe, "They're yours."

He gets up and walks over to a safe he has in his office. Steffy is kind of stunned, she didn't think he would cave. She had hoped, but part of her thought he would not give up until he got what he wanted. He turns around with the shares in his hand. He places them on his desk and hands Steffy a pen to sign them over to her. Steffy signs, she looks back at Bill, "Thank you Bill."

"Your welcome, I want you to know that I do respect you. And you will always be the one that got away."

Steffy stares at him for a moment and nods, she takes the shares and leaves his office. Her father would be ecstatic when he finds out what she has. 

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