Chapter 3

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Ridge arrives home, when he walks in the front door he sees the mood set, candles, sensual music, and there she was Brooke in lingerie. "Ridge," Brooke says seductively, "I've been waiting for you."

Ridge looks around the room, he has pieced together that Hope told Brooke and this was her way of getting him on their side. "Have you?" Ridge asks, not falling for Brooke's plan. Ridge walks over to the mini bar and pours himself a drink.

Brooke, confused as to why he seems to be ignoring her advances, "Of course," She says as she moves to him and puts her hands on his shoulders, "Where have you been?"

Ridge takes a sip of his drink and turns to look at Brooke, "I've been at Steffy's."

Brooke stops dead in her tracks and pulls up her bathrobe, she realizes her plan is not going to work. She was not expecting him to find out so soon. She wanted to be the one to break the news to him so she could control how he would get the information. Brooke sighs, "So I take it you know." Brooke says just coming out with it.

Ridge nods, "Yup I know, I know that your daughter is pregnant with my daughter's fiancé's baby."

"Well I wouldn't exactly put it that way. When Hope got pregnant Liam left Steffy thinking she was still in a relationship with Bill." Brooke rations.

"Yes, here walks in, a distressed man talking about his wife, and the first thing your daughter thinks to do is sleep with him. Makes perfect sense." Ridge says laying the sarcasm on thick.

"Ridge, regardless of how you feel about this, Hope is having Liam's baby. And Liam needs to focus on Hope and their little family."

"And what about Steffy and their little family? Do they matter anymore?"

"Well he'll be there for them of course, but his main focus should be Hope and their future child."

Ridge chuckles to himself. Why does he always do this? Why does he let Brooke constantly tear his children down and allow it? No more, he was going to be the father that his kids deserved. "Did this come from Liam? Or is this what you and Hope are declaring he do?"

"I haven't talked to Liam yet, but I'm sure this is how he will feel. He loves Hope and they are destiny," Brooke says as she wraps her arms around Ridge's neck, "Just like us." She says to him with a smile on his face.

Ridge takes a deep breath and breaks away from Brooke, "I have some thinking to do, I'll be back later." Ridge says then abruptly leaves, leaving Brooke stunned. 

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