Chapter 4

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Steffy spent the whole next day with Kelly, she wanted to be the best mother she possibly could. That was all that mattered. When Kelly slept, Steffy worked from home. There was a huge fashion show that night for HFTF that should have started by now, the same one Liam was doing the article on. Steffy opted not to go, everyone knew she was on maternity leave, she was still working from home, that should be good enough for everyone. Her father would handle all of the in person business. As she worked she couldn't help but think about what a mess her personal life was at this time. What was she going to do? Was she going to forgive Liam another chance and put her family back together while simultaneously trying to fight off Hope and Brooke? Or was she just going to walk away?

As she was deep in thought there was a knock at the door, before Steffy could answer the door Amelia appeared, "Hey, sorry I'm late. I hope you didn't miss anything."

Steffy realizes she forgot to tell Amelia that she was not going to the fashion show, "I'm so sorry Amelia, I'm not going tonight. You didn't have to come out here."

Amelia is surprised to hear this. It was not like Steffy to miss a fashion show. She knew she was on maturnity leave, but she figured she would still go. "Oh, are you sure you didn't want to go? I'm here and I don't mind watching Kelly for you."

Steffy thought for a moment, she had been thinking about this all day. Not only the show, but what she would say to Liam. He had been sending her texts all day saying how he wanted to keep their family together and he was so sorry. "You know what? I think I may take you up on that offer."

Meanwhile at the Forrester fashion show, as the show goes on the crowd seems into the show, but it doesn't seem to be giving the wow factor that Hope wanted for it. She can see distracted reporters and buyers not really paying attention. She comes on stage in the show stopper at the end, the crowd applauds for her. It's not quite what she was hoping for, but she'll take it. As long as the numbers prove good the next day and the articles are positive. She knows the one from Spencer Publications will be in her favor.

After the show Hope is in the dressing room changing. As she is in nothing but her bra and underwear the door flies open and Liam just walks in, "Hey Hope...Oh my God! I'm so sorry," Liam says flustered covering his eyes.

"It's ok," Hope says as she pulls a shawl over her, "I don't mind if you see me like this." She smiles playfully at him. "Liam, I know you are going through a lot right now. With the birth of your daughter, and the bomb I just dropped on you. But I want you to know that I don't want to pressure you."

"I know," Liam smiles at Hope, "I know that you love and care for me."

Hope smiles seductively "I know I said I would not push you into being with me, and I'm not. But I still hold on hope of having a life with you," She gently touches her stomach," And with our baby."

Liam smiles and walks closer to Hope, he places a hand on her stomach and meets her gaze. As they stare into each other's eyes they give into temptation and begin to passionately kiss. Hope moves herself onto the make up dresser and wraps her legs around Liam's waist.

Steffy is walking down the hallways of Forrester, she caught up with a couple of staff members. The show did not go as well as the previous ones. She would have to discuss PR with Katie over video chat the next day. She sees Charlie walking the hallways and greets him with a warm smile, "Hey Charlie, did you enjoy the show?"

"Good evening Miss Forrester, I always enjoys the shows." Charlie says with a huge smile which he always seems to have plastered on his face. Steffy can't help but smile, his attitude is infectious.

"Have you seen Liam by any chance?"

"Yeah, he just went into dressing room number 13."

"Thanks Charlie, I'll see you as soon as I come back from maternity leave. Let Aunt Pam know I'm looking forward to her lemon bars."

"Will do, we'll be over soon to see sweet little Kelly."

Steffy continues on down the hallway. After her short chat with Charlie she is feeling in a good mood. She doesn't know how she is going to handle the Liam/Hope baby scenario at this point, but she is optamistic about her conversation with Liam. Steffy approaches dressing room number 13 and walks in, to her horror she Liam and Hope making love against the wall in the dressing room, "OH MY GOD!" Steffy screams out in shock.

Liam and Hope immediately start redressing. "Steffy!" Liam says as he zips his pants back up. "It's not what it looks like, we got caught up in the moment, I'm so sorry." He stammers as Hope pulls whatever clothes she can find near her on her.

Steffy doesn't know what to say, finally she blurts out, "How could you! After everything you text me today. I came here planning on having a conversation about our future. Then I walk into this? It looks like you already decided for me." Steffy turns to walk away as Liam grabs for her arm, Steffy pulls it away defensively, "Don't you touch me."

"I'm sorry," Liam pleads, "please let me explain. We got caught up in the moment."

Steffy can't believe what she is hearing. She had told him about her and Bill getting caught up in the moment while she was emotionally distraught and Liam punished her, yet here he was using this as an excuse. "Caught up in the moment?" Steffy says with venom in her voice. Hope closes the shaal she grabbed even tighter after hearing how angry Steffy was. "That sounds familiar doesn't it?"

Liam hangs his head realizing he had punished Steffy for this exact same thing. Only this time she walked in on it.

"I came here hoping to discuss our future," Steffy continues, "But I think our future is clear now. You will be hearing from my lawyer so we can get a custody agreement settled."

Liam's eyes widen as he realizes how serious she is, "Steffy wait! We do not have to get the courts involved, we can figure this out ourselves. We can be a family together."

Hope winces at the fact that Liam is still pleading with Steffy for a life with her after he was just making love to her and they were expecting a baby together.

"We will co-parent Kelly, and that's it. I can't ever imagine you touching me ever again." Steffy stares at Liam in pure disgust, "You disgust me."

With that last remark Steffy walks out of the dressing room. When she is sure that she is far enough away from the dressing room she lets the tears flow down her face. 

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