Chapter 6

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Liam is looking over the documents that Steffy's lawyer sent over. She really wasn't lying about coming up with a custody agreement. The document states that Steffy gets primary custody and Liam will have visitation, once a week and every other weekend. This breaks his heart but he is not going to fight Steffy, he has hurt her so badly and if he abides by this agreement they can revisit it in the future, or just throw it out all together if he can convince her to come back to him. As he continues looking through the papers he notices a copy of their prenuptial agreement with a highlighted section. He reads the section as his eyes widens, there is a clause that in the event of a divorce or annulment then 100% of decisions regarding any children they may have will be made by Stephanie Forrester. Among the documents is a name changing form stating that Kelly Rose Spencer will now be named Phoebe Kelly Spencer. At least she's keeping her last name Spencer Liam thinks to himself. He is not happy about this, but he understands, and his mother's name is still in there.

Wyatt walks in the office, "I'm surprised you are here. I know your still not a fan of Dad."

"Yeah, I'm trying to finish up before he comes in. I don't want to see him, although at this point I'm probably no better than him."

"Things are that bad with Steffy huh?"

"Yeah," Liam lifts the custody agreement to show Wyatt, "She sent over a custody agreement for me to sign. And she is legally changing Kelly's name to Phoebe."

"Ouch," Wyatt says in sympathy of his brother, "How do you feel about that?"

"I mean I'm not happy," Liam sighs, "But I get where she is coming from. I'm not giving up on her, on our family."

"What about your family with Hope?" Wyatt inquires.

"If Steffy rejects me then yeah, Hope will be there for me."

Wyatt can't help but think how callous Liam is being. He wants to smack his brother but he is trying to be there for him.

Liam packs up his documents, "I need to get out of here before Dad comes in. I really don't want to run into him."

"Yeah, I'll see you at home. Are you going to cook or do I need to pick up take out?"

"Just pick up some take out, I don't feel like cooking." Liam packs up and swiftly leaves.

Back at Steffy's, she is playing with Phoebe on the living room floor when Ridge walks in, "Hey, there are my two beautiful girls." He says excitedly as he picks Phoebe up and twirls her around then gives her a great big grandpa kiss on the cheek.

Steffy stands up to hug her father, "Hey Dad, what brings you around? Not that I'm not happy to see you."

"I just had to get out of the house, Brooke and I have been non stop fighting lately."

"I'm sorry to hear that, you can stay in my guest house for a couple of nights if you'd like."

"I may actually take you up on that. I also have some bad news for you. Your grandfather is refusing to fire Hope." Steffy rolls her eyes, she is disappointed but not surprised. Ridge continues, "Brooke talked to him and she persuaded him to keep her on."

"Of course he did, he always sides with Brooke."

"I know, which is why I didn't want to go to his house. I'd have to hear the constant praise and telling me to go back home to my destiny."

"Well I promise you will not get that from me." Steffy's phone pings, she picks it up. When she looks at the screen she smiles.

"Who is it?" Ridge inquires.

"It's my lawyer," Steffy explains smiling, "He received the signed custody arrangement from Liam and there is no push back on changing Kelly's name to Phoebe."

"That's fantastic," Ridge gives Phoebe a little bounce, "She looks more like a Phoebe anyway." Phoebe smiles back at her grandfather.

Steffy smiles, she's happy she at least has this happiness in her life. Considering she lost her husband and she is forced to work with the woman with whom her fiancé cheated with. "Dad, what are we going to do about work? We are co-CEO's yet we have little to no power at work."

Ridge nods, "If only we had those damn shares back from Spencer. Dad is the reason we don't have those shares."

Steffy begins to think, "I'm coming up with a plan, you'll have to trust me ok."

Ridge gets a little nervous, he doesn't want his daughter putting her in any dangerous or compromising positions. "I trust you, but whatever you are thinking you need to be careful."

Steffy smiles, "Always."   

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