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As Kiyana woke up, her head felt as if it was being crushed by the titanic. She felt so lousy and drained. Next to her laid Jameel, laying on his back with his arm over his head. He slept peacefully and quiet, like a baby.

"How cute" she thought.

She sighed, laying her head back before her heart began to race. Ki looked under the covers, realizing she was lying there in only a bra. "Where are my clothes" she thought to herself. As she sat up, pulling the covers off of them and onto her, Meel started to move, turning onto his stomach.

She made her way to the bathroom, quietly panicking. Did she have sex with him? Was she no longer a virgin? She liked being a virgin because she felt like it made her pure. She wasn't knocking anyone that IS and WAS fucking, it just wasn't something that fazed her.. or she thought until she met Meel. He makes her body tingle in all the right places, she just wants to throw her coochie at him sometimes. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of him having her.. wanting her and only her.

The door opening pulled her out of her thoughts. Jameel walked in, yawning. He then grabbed her and kissed her cheek and neck, handling her as he did last night. Carefully and Cautiously.

"Goodmorning" he spoke. "Hey.." she replied. Kiyana started analyzing her face and neck in the mirror, then the top of her boobs. She couldn't fathom the amount of hickeys she consisted.

"What's wrong?" Jameel asked her, going to the sink and putting toothpaste on his toothbrush. Kiyana sighed and opened her mouth, letting her thoughts come out. "I dont wanna be another girl you just fuck and dip on Meel.." "Ki what are you talking about? you should know, just based on our history and shit, you special to me. I could never do you like that. That's part of the reason ian wanna fuck last night.. we were both heavily intoxicated and I wanted our first time to be special so all I did was eat yo pussy."

Ki paused and looked at him with an confused expression. "So we didn't have sexual intercourse?"

"No.." Jameel said before laughing and starting to brush his teeth. "Why would you think that? yo pussy don't even hurt for you to know we had sex" he mumbled before spitting. "What are you indicating?" Ki asked him, starting the shower with the sheets still wrapped around her.

"All i'm saying is, sex with me is amazing.. plus you're a virgin so it'd hurt anyways."

"Tuh.." she scoffed. "Sex probably feels the same with everyone. I'm sure the ONLY reason why it would hurt is because I'm new at it."

"Yea igh.. fuck around and find out."

"Yea igh" she mimicked him.


"Im not going in there..." i told Ki. I don't know why girls always tryna drag they dudes into Victoria Secret knowing damn well we don't wanna go in there. Its jus weird.

"Pleaseeeee?" she begged. She got up close, looking up at with those wide ass eyes of hers. Had a lil sparkle in 'em.

"Pick me out something to wear for you" she started rubbing my neck and shit like I wont fuck her eyes outta they sockets.

Cant maniplipussy me.

I sighed and rolled my eyes in my head as she pulled me in there. I looked around and they had some sexy shit ngl. Finna play dress up wit her ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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