Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8

Start from the beginning

"Oh, hell no!" Franky yells, panic setting in.

Chopper looks to him. "What is it, Franky?"

Franky freezes for a moment, stammering. "It's...It's a battering ram! A...battering ram ship!"

Usopp screams in fear, holding his face as his eyes pop. "Oh no, I knew it! We're all dead!" He runs behind the security force and disappears into the crowd. "Go, men! Now is your time to prove your strength! Protect your captain!"

Franky pulls him out of the crowd again. "Cut the crap, Usopp! We have to figure this out. And fast!"

Chopper agrees. "Yeah, that thing is coming straight at us fast! We don't have much time!"

Usopp tries to settle his nerves. "Okay, okay. Let's figure this out. Is there any way we can jump to the ship and fight?"

Franky studies the giant vessel. "I don't think so. It's moving too fast to stop before it reaches the city. And not only that, it has plated iron sides, so we wouldn't be able to damage it enough as it passes."

One of the security soldiers steps forward. "And we don't have nearly enough men left to invade anyway, there's only about a hundred of us now."

Franky looks to his friends. "Seems like our forces are too depleted to fight."

Chopper jumps into the air in fear. "What are we going to do?!"

Usopp comes beside Chopper. "Well how about you, Chopper? Can you transform?"

"What, you mean my monster form?"


Chopper thinks. "Well sure, I could--but there's no way I could do anything. The only place for me to stand is the water, and I would sink this boat. So there's nothing I can do."

Usopp's eyes gush tears. "I knew it, we're finished. And just as I finally got lead my own army. Oh well, I suppose it's a gallant way to go down."

Franky looks toward the battering ship again, which is nearly upon them now. "Damn! Is there really nothing we can do?!"

"Brace for impact, men! It's going to clip us!" One of the security soldiers calls out. 

As the battering ship draws closer and closer, the men and Straw Hats grab onto the railings furthest from the approaching ship, awaiting their fate. But just then, another sound cuts through the sky above them. Music. 

One loud, distorted stoke of a guitar chord rips through the air. "Yo HO!" A voice echoes from the clouds. 

The Straw Hats look behind them, raising their eyes toward the main lighthouse at the center of the city. There at the very top, they can see Brook standing with guitar in hand, posing in a power stance with radiant lights behind him. 

Chopper gets starry eyes and points to him. "Its Brook!"

Franky pumps his fists. "Yow! Get it, brother!"

Brook grabs his microphone. "Any requests for the Soul King?" He gestures to the battering ship. "How about a little--DEMON SOUL!" As Brook's body ignites in red flames, several of the Lighthouse Empire musicians emerge from one level below, all holding their own unique instruments, waiting to perform. "Ready, composers?!"

"Ready, Soul King!" They call back in unison. 

A strong beat begins to play, sending shockwaves over the ocean below, and rattling the battering ship. Brook strums a strong, heavy guitar line. The other performers follow his every note, as hundreds of musicians play together in harmony. 

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