“Grabbing some food before going out.”

  Curious for more details, I asked, “Are you going to Chug’s?” 

  “It’s a Thursday night ritual that we meet there in support of Liam. Not that he needs the extra cash flow–he does pretty good on his own.”

  I nodded before spotting the kitchen staff worker exiting through a door with my bowl of food.

  “Thank you so much,” I uttered to her.

  “Your welcome, dear.”

  Turning to leave, my eyes found Alex’s and I offered a small smile before passing.

  “Hey, Melie” he called, forcing me to stop and look back. “Are you going tonight?”

  “I was planning to, yeah. It would be rude for me not to accept the invitation,” I added as an excuse for some reason.

  “I’ll see you there, then.”

  I nodded before turning away, biting my lip to control my stupid smile.

  What was wrong with me? Why did the idea of seeing him later make me giddy? Or was it the fact that he bothered to ask me in the context that he likely was looking forward to seeing me? 

  Get a hold of yourself, Melanie. The first man who gave me a little attention had me in a tangle of thoughts. I had a boyfriend, so attention from anyone else was wrong and should have been repulsive.  

  But it wasn’t. No, instead I found myself stressing over the perfect outfit that wouldn’t perceive me as an eighteen year old little sister. I was out to impress and prove I had the ability to handle myself surrounded by a bunch of werewolves. I had been born into this life after all and just wanted it to appear like I had been present all these years.

  High on my agenda list for the evening was limiting the time I spent around Ian. That was imperative, to ensure he wasn’t constantly able to remind me of my place. Especially if I wanted to enjoy myself. Of course it was disencouraging that the only people I was acquainted with were my brother's friends, so my social skills required a little greasing.

  I settled for a purple long sleeve, V-neck and a pair of skinny jeans. I wore my black flats and a black leather jacket, applying just enough makeup where I could pass for twenty-one then headed out to the courtyard where Ian text to meet him.

  At first sight of him, his eyes narrowed on me. “You look like you're going clubbing,” he complained. 

  “What?” I objected, peering down at myself. “This is very much appropriate for a bar. If I was going clubbing a lot more of something would be visible.”

  “Not while I’m around,” he promised.

  “Fortunately, I don't roll that way. Mom would freak out before dad even could. Then I'd really be locked in a room forever.”

  “And I’d encourage them to add a padlock,” he joked as we ambled to his car.

  “Are there any female friends of yours gonna be there tonight? I mean. no offense but I don't really wanna hang out with the old people.”

  He ignored my insult. “I’ll introduce you to a few ladies. Liam’s mate usually brings in a crowd but I think they're all pretty old too.” 

  “Liam’s mate comes to his bar?”

  “That's where they met.”

  We both buckled up, then he turned over the ignition.

  “He was telling me how she doesn’t know he’s a wolf. That should be a fun conversation,” I mused.

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