Naina looks at him, puzzled by him calling her "Didi" instead of something else, but he quickly heads back down. After a moment, Naina also goes downstairs and sees Dhruv. Dhruv smiles at her, walks over, and hugs her. She hugs him back.

Vikram watches them, and Vidyunt, noticing this, comes close to him and says, "He's just a friend, so chill." Vidyunt winks at him, causing Vikram to glare.

Dhruv pulls away from the hug and says, "Let's leave quickly, or Rasu won't leave me alone."

Vidyunt asks, "Who is Rasu?"

Without thinking, Dhruv replies, "The girl who kissed your friend..."

Naina kicks his leg upon hearing this and glares at him.

Rajendra hears Dhruv's yelp and asks, "What happened?"

Seeing Naina's glare, Dhruv quickly responds, "Nothing, uncle. A big mosquito bit me."

Rajendra looks puzzled. "I've never been bitten."

Dhruv laughs and says, "You haven't been bitten yet, uncle, but be careful."

Vidyunt bites his lip to keep from laughing, and Ved and Vidhi smile. Naina looks down, embarrassed.

Rajendra leaves the room.

Dhruv looks at Naina, smirking at her red face. Teasingly, he says, "Mosquito."

Naina glares at him, kicks his leg hard, grabs his car keys, and heads outside.

Dhruv makes a mock cry face and says, "Don't take my life away, yaar." She ignores him.

He quickly follows her. Everyone else watches in astonishment as the two forget about them and leave.


Naina goes out and sits in the car. When Dhruv comes near her, he makes a cute face. She looks at him but can't resist and gives him the key. Dhruv smiles at her, and they get in the car. He starts the car, and they leave.

Dhruv notices that Naina seems a little disturbed. He asks her, "What's wrong? Why are you so upset? Is there a problem?"

She looks at him and says, "Nothing." But she knows Dhruv won't believe her and she'll have to tell him eventually.

Dhruv doesn’t press further, and after some time, they return home. Naina meets her father, who has prepared her favorite lunch. Naina smiles, and soon after, Rasika arrives and takes her to her room, with Dhruv following them.

Rasika asks, "Why were you sad? Dhruv told me you seemed upset when he picked you up." Naina looks at her friends, knowing they won't leave her alone until she tells them the truth.

Naina says, "I wasn't sad, just a little troubled."

"Why is that?"

"Vikram's younger brother, Ved, called me didi instead of bhabhi."


"Yes, I was shocked too. I didn’t understand anything. He behaved like he was scared of me and left before I could ask him anything."

"What's there to be afraid of? You wouldn’t even harm a fly," Rasika says dramatically.

"Just stop..."

They both fall silent. "You know, Vidhi hasn't even spoken to me. Only Vidyunt and Uncle are talking."

Rasika comes closer and says, "What about jiju?"

Naina looks at them, blinks nervously, and says, "We haven't talked to each other yet."

Rasika raises her brow, "Why’s that? What were you doing on your wedding night?"

Naina looks away, closes her eyes, and says, "I... I slept before he came."

Rasika widens her eyes and shouts, "Who sleeps on their wedding night, you idiot? You didn't even wait for your husband? You mad woman!"

"I was tired, and it was late. I had a lot of work in the morning, so we couldn’t talk," Naina says, making an innocent face, explaining everything like a child telling their mother everything.

Then Mahesh comes in, hugs Naina, and says, "Stop troubling my child. Why are you teasing her?"

Naina hugs her father.

They start talking, and after some time, Rasika and Dhruv leave.

Later, Mahesh sees Naina bringing him evening tea. He asks her to sit near him and shares his thoughts. "It takes time to establish a relationship, or to build one from the heart." She looks at her dad, knowing he overheard their conversation.

"You’ve moved to a new place, and there are new people in their house too... It will take time for them to trust you, and for you to trust them." Naina listens carefully, understanding what she needs to do.

"Are you ready? Vikram will be coming to pick you up," Mahesh says. She snaps out of her thoughts and replies, "I’m ready."


Vikram is working when he checks the time, remembering he needs to pick up Naina as his dad had instructed. He grabs his coat, puts it on, and leaves his office. Once in his car, he fastens his seatbelt and notices a bouquet of flowers on the seat next to him. Knowing exactly who placed them there, he shakes his head with a smile and starts the car.

Upon reaching Naina's house, he rings the bell. Mahesh opens the door. Vikram touches his feet and presents him with a gift. Mahesh blesses him and invites him inside.

Rasika comes out with drinks and, in an extra sweet tone, says, "Jijuu, this is especially for you."

Vikram looks at her skeptically but then inspects the drink carefully. Mahesh laughs at Vikram's reaction and says, "There's nothing to worry about, son. You can drink it." He assured him.

After some time, Mahesh invites Vikram to join them for dinner. They talk and enjoy their meal together. Vikram finds Mahesh's company very pleasant.

Eventually, it’s time to leave. Naina and Vikram stood at the door, bid everyone goodbye. Naina hugs her father tightly and as they leave together.


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