Chapter Seven: Reason

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I stood still, the silence of the store reverberating the pounding in my ears. Adella stood in front of me, the only difference being the swell of her stomach. Her eyes searched my face for a reaction, lips pressed firmly together. Her arms were crossed and her hair was up in a messy bun. She gave me a curled smile, her hazeled eyes beckoning me to speak. "Hello, Edith."

I rushed over and hugged her, forgetting all the pain she had caused Benedict and me. All I remembered now was that my best friend was alive and safe. She clung to me, stroking my hair as I began to weep with joy. "C'mon now. You just got married..."

I pulled away to look her in the eye. "You know?"

She tenderly wiped a tear from my eye and chuckled. "My two best friends marry and the whole country was able to watch it on tv. You think I wouldn't know? Come, I knew you'd see me so I made brownies."

  I followed her numbly to the back room, a sense of dread filling me. "I'm sorry."

She paused before sitting down on the twin bed pushed into the corner. "Why are you apologizing? I think I can guess what happened. I disappeared, you became the substitute. Simple."

I sat down in the metal chair she motioned to, tears once again threatening to spill over. She seemed fine. "Why did you leave?"

Adella smiled soberly at me and pointed to her stomach. "Him."

I stared at the swell with wonder and confusion, tempted to reach out and touch her stomach to see if it were real. She sighed, taking a bite of the brownie she had made. Once she swallowed, she looked at nothing in particular and continued, "I didn't want to be the Crown Princess of Antis. The stress...I couldn't take it and the sweet words of a man and idle time produced this child inside me. It is my biggest mistake...but this child...he isn't. Of course I couldn't be with Benedict now with a baby that isn't his."

Her jaw clenched, eyes hardening at nothing in particular. "I couldn't be the Adella you know."

I didn't know what to say. I could be upset at Adella for ruining Benedict, but at the same time, my love for my best friend urged me to assure her all was well. 

She took another bite of the brownie to calm her down. "I'm sorry I did all this that ended up involving you, Edith. But I at least wanted to tell you the truth so you wouldn't go to the grave hating me."

She paused. "So that I can have a chance of redeeming myself to one person in the world."

  I couldn't take it anymore. I could not leave this place without Adella knowing that Benedict didn't hate her, even if he masked it beneath his cold exterior. "Benedict misses you."

She huffed in disbelief. "You're his wife, Edith. You've got to fix that."

"But you were supposed to be his wife," I weakly countered, "How can I?"

  It was meant as a rhetorical question, but I knew by the look in her eyes that she had come up with an idea. She came and knelt beside me, clasping my hands with hers. "He's got to fall in love with you."  

  I gasped in horror. "Adella!"

  She smiled at me hopefully. "Come on! I know you've liked him as well, and he's your husband! He has to fall in love with you! Getting over me will be a step to your victory!"

  I stood up abruptly. "Do you undermine his love for you that much?! Adella! He loves you! Who am I to uproot him from a love he cared for!? How can you fathom that possibility! Don't you love him too?!"

  Pain etched across her face as she rose as well. "I do... That's why he's got to let me go..."

  "Enough! I won't pain him anymore than you have already caused him," I exclaimed vehemently. "I'm his best friend. Forcing myself onto him will make me lose that position."

  I stormed out of the shop, not looking back. Before I heard the door shut behind me, I heard her call out as more of a statement than a question. "That's what you're afraid of?"

The driver remained silent as I sat in the car. "Take me to the city," I croaked. "There was no gift in there."

I returned home with my arm full of bags and boxes from my frustration spending. My arms and legs were weak from exhaustion. China and Rebecca quickly came to my aid, their worried glances to each other signaling it'd be best if I collapsed and rested. And it wasn't a bad idea. I only gave them part of my load and led them up the stairs to the bedroom chamber. When they paused a few steps from the doorway, I gave them an irritated look. 

"Miss, we can't go in there," China stated uncomfortably. "Master Benedict is in there."

I nodded then in understanding. "Leave the packages here then. I'll bring them in."

They nodded curtly and did as they were told before dismissing themselves to their quarters. Once they were gone, I discreetly peered inside to find him reading in bed. He was sitting atop the covers in plaid pajama pants and a grey t-shirt. Too baggy for my liking, but it's not like I would tell him that. I recognized the book as mine but didn't care as long as he didn't remove the bookmark. I inhaled and exhaled deeply and entered the room. "I bought gifts for you."

  He looked up with half-interest, noticing immediately the parcels that I carried. He rose to assist me, but I waved him off. "Stay. I got it."

  After two trips to and from the bed, I crawled on and sat in front of him and handed him a box. 

  "Open it," I urged. He obeyed, setting the book on the nightstand. Benedict carefully lifted the lid and gave me a curious look. My brow furrowed in worry, leaning over to look at the present. "You don't like it?"

"I find no need for such casual clothes," he commented as he felt the fabric of the v-necked shirt. I rolled off the bed and waved it off. "Of course you will. We are bound to go on a date someday."

  He held in a chuckle as I rifled through more of my frivolous purchases in search of something more pleasing. I gave a short cry of triumph and tossed him another parcel. "It's cold."

  He nodded and tore through the package and lifted the knitted sweater for him to see clearly. "I like it."

  I smiled with relief and crawled up to him. "Do you? Do you really?"

Benedict laughed. "Are all these gifts really for me?"

"...No..." I replied hesitantly. He chuckled and patted my hand. 

"I know. You couldn't have bought all these gifts for just me."

  I rolled my eyes and got out of bed for a long bath. After preparing my clothes for tonight and the day ahead, I motioned to the bathroom. "I'll be in the bath. Do you need anything in here?"

  Benedict shook his head and resumed reading. "I'll probably be sleeping before you're out. Good night." 

  I nodded, flicking the switches on and carefully shutting the door behind me and prepared my bath with the aromatherapeutic oils I had bought earlier. The hot water was a welcome relief to my aching body and I relished the soft lilac scents rising with the steam. I just needed to forget all I learned for now. Afterwards, I dressed in a cotton sleeveless gown that went down to my calf and peered outside. The clock read 11 o' clock--I had been in the bath for half an hour. Benedict was true to his word, hands clasped on his abdomen like Snow White. In a way, he was. Only to have his life and vigor back with true love's kiss. I took one of his hands and kissed the inside of his wrist gently. He didn't even stir. Figures. Biting my lip, I lay down on the far side of the bed and snuggled under the covers. Miss Claribel had left a tray with a single sleeping pill and a glass of water by the door for  me at my request which I quickly retrieved. After a few minutes, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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