While I waited for my time to leave, Jax did everything in his power to keep my mind preoccupied. He talked more than normal. He was cuddlier than normal. I got all his attention to myself, and... It made me feel better. It gave me careful hope that maybe... just maybe... I wouldn't lose him when I told him about the bet.

So... When I finally had to leave for Jessica's, the icy grip on my heart had faded a little.

And then I remembered where I was heading to.

"Fuck me..." I breathed out when I sat in my car, Jax waving at me by the front door.

I didn't want to go... But at least it would be over soon. Just a few hours or mind-numbing boredom. Dad would be too busy entertaining his guests to torment me. But man, it was hard to start the engine, especially with Jax right there, a few feet away... I wanted to return to him. I didn't want to leave him even for a second.

Because no matter what, I still couldn't shake the gut-wrenching feeling that my time with him was running out.

I smiled at Jax, then waved at him. I started the car and forced myself to back out of the driveway. Jax stood by the door the entire time...

I sighed, looked away from him, and drove off.

Too soon, I arrived at Jessica's, and parked my car in their driveway. Before I stepped out, I stopped to stare at my house looming in the distance. All the lights were on, and even through the heavy rain, I saw a lot of people in the windows. Caterer's and what not. There had to be Dad's guests present already as well.

I let out a quiet groan and exited the car, trying to avoid getting soaked in the rain when I hurried to the front door.

Jess came to open it when I rang the doorbell, and she smiled at me.

"You look so good!" she told me.

"So do you," I said, admiring her in her green dress.

It was funny really. This was the girl I had dated the longest. She was beautiful in her dress. She'd always be the most beautiful girl I'd ever met, and I still did love her, but I guess... That love had never been the same kind of love I had for Jax. I wanted to say I loved her more like a sister, but since we'd slept together... But it was something similar.

"So Dan isn't waiting here with you?" I asked when I followed her in and didn't see my brother anywhere.

"Yeah, we'll meet at the party," she said.

"So... How are things with you and my baby brother?" I asked, smirking.

"He's great. Everything is..." she trailed off, a shy, warm smile appearing on her lips as she thought of him. "Well, he's awesome," she said.

"Of course. He's the younger version of me," I said, grinning. "You cougar."

She laughed and gently slapped my shoulder. "Yeah, exactly. A whole year younger than you. And he's bigger than you," she said.

"Well I don't know. I mean, considering my size, that's not necessarily a good thing," I said. "Besides, Jax likes my size."

"Ohh, so you two have done the dirty," she cooed. "No wonder he was walking funky the other day."

I shook my head, chuckling. "You know? I'm really glad I got to keep you as my best friend."

"Aww. I feel the same," she said, her eyes sparkling. "Well, most of the time."

"Yeah..." I said, the thought of the bet bringing my mood back down. "I wish I'd listened to you when this whole challenge thing started..."

"Me too," she said quietly, her eyes sad. "But I'm still your best friend. I'll be there for you and help you however I can. You know, when the time comes."

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