What is Life

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    For the last 5 years, I have been shunned and abused. Mostly by the alpha, Ryan, my parents, and my own twin brother Austin.

Usually, when twinsare born they feel each other's pain if our bond is strong enough. When we were just starting to train and father broke Austin's arm, I felt half of the pain the he felt. I guess our bond was no more since Austin never felt anything the pack did to me, or he just stopped caring.

I stopped training and started to eat for comfort. I did gain a bit of weight, but I still looked good. I was 5'10 so the weight hid my natural curves and I had long dark midnight hair that went to the middle of my back and blue-green eyes.

After I got dresses for school I threw my hair up into a tight bun. As soon as I was out the door my brother and Ryan flipped me off as they pulled out the driveway to speed to school laughing.

      I was never allowed to talk back to anyone in the house, that would only result into me getting beaten by someone later on. I sighed and started walking to school.

     Once I got to school, I made it to class before I was late. I sat in the back and was never called on and no one ever sat near me.

      Ryan was going to become the new Alpha the day after, mine and Austin's birthday, tomorrow. Since we will be 18, Austin will take over as beta. I get the normal shoves here and there from random pack members in the hallways. No one cares.

   Today at lunch Ryan, Austin and some of their friends come over to me. I just continue to eat and not pay them any attention.

If I dont they will never leave me alone anyway as why care about it.

I'm eating when all of a sudden my food is snatched right out of my hands and thrown onto the floor

" Don't you think your fat enough Jessica?" Austin asked with a pretend smile on his face. I say nothing. Austin was a good looking guy with his shaggy blonde hair and amber eyes. He was also 6'2 and had ripped muscles.

    "You know Jess, how is your arm. The one that my mom should have ripped off your body that day?" Ryan asked with a disgusted look on his face. Ryan was good looking as well, 6'4 ripped muscles, like Austin, and dark brown hair, and bright blur eyes. I still say nothing.

I thought they would leave me alone sooner or later if I say nothing. Most pack members started to think I went mute, because of how little I have spoken the last 5 years.

Ryan is getting angry and grabs me by the throat. He slams me up against the wall behind us and asks again. "How is your f*****g are you fat w***e?"

   I looked him dead in the eyes and told the truth like always. "My arm that a the rouge injured is doing well, thank you so much for your concern. Plus I would only be a w***e if I was a mirror looking at you".

       Austin and Ryan had become major playboys since the Luna's death. Ryan roared and threw me to the floor and Austin came up quick and kick me right in my ribs. Then their friends started beating on me as well.

After they left me bleeding and bruised on the floor I walked out of school into the Forrest.

     I didn't care anymore. The only thing that kept me going was my mate. I knew my mate would understand me and still love ne. He would have to. Mate's were gifts from the Moon Goddess. They were made to love and cherish us for all our lives.

     I walked until I decided that the pain was to much to handle anymore. I sat under a big shady tree.

'I should just leave this place.' I thought to myself.

     It was jit like anyone would care if I was here or not. I bet the only ones that would find out that I was gone would be Ryan and Austin. Since they would go looking for their personal punching bag and not find it anywhere. I doubt the alpha or my parents would even notice.

  My parents haven't so much as spoken to me since the day Lady Isabelle died. I would be either upstairs in my room or down in the kitchen and they would celebrate my brother's birthday, but never acknowledged me. I was the bain of their reputation. I felt so alone and so voided of any emotions.

I thought back to the night I was actually thinking of ending it all.

Flashback to a week ago....

I was just sitting starting at the falls by the cliffs and thought about jumping.

'Would anyone miss me? Would they be happy?'

I was snapped out if my thoughts when I felt a warm presence near me. It actually startled me and I looked around. No one was there, but the warmth never left. Then suddenly a soft female voice filled my ears.

  'Don't end you life before you actually have a chance to live, sweet child. Life is full of pain and suffering, but there is also great joy and love to experience as well.'

I cried." How can I expect anyone to show me love and joy, when all I have felt is pain and loneliness for the last five years!" I felt safe and comfort from it.

'A mate will always love you no matter what your fault is. Stay strong. Stay alive.' The voice Said

  I thought fir a moment and took a very deep breath.

   Could it truly be? Would my mate actually love me enough to make up for all this pain I have felt? I wondered


   I leaned my head back on the tree and closed my eyes. Repeating the words the voice spoke.

    'Life is full of pain and suffering, but there is also great joy and love.'

  I wondered what kind of man my nate would be like. Would he love me and cherish me just like we were taught about mate's.

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